Optimizing Container Logistics with Amazon SageMaker: A Guide to Serverless Machine Learning for SaaS

Jari Ikävalko
18 min readSep 20, 2023


In today’s SaaS landscape, the idea of developing an ‘algorithm’ is frequently presented as the ultimate solution to a host of computational challenges. While algorithms are undoubtedly powerful tools, their actual implementation is often poorly understood. You might wonder, how can an algorithm, especially when combined with machine learning techniques, truly elevate a SaaS service? What does the transition from traditional software features to more sophisticated, data-driven, algorithmic solutions look like?

In this blog post, I aim to demystify these questions by offering a conceptual and hands-on approach. Using a simplified version of a real-world business problem as our backdrop, I’ll guide you step-by-step through the process of leveraging an algorithm to find compelling solutions. Although I won’t delve into every technical detail, I will provide a comprehensive overview of the essential steps involved in incorporating algorithmic decision-making into your SaaS application.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a holistic understanding of the journey from problem identification to algorithmic solution within a serverless SaaS framework. Drawing on real-world experience, this guide aims to illuminate the path for both seasoned software architects and emerging SaaS providers. The goal is to create applications that are not just sophisticated but genuinely intelligent and highly efficient.

From Human Decision-Making to Algorithmic Efficiency

Before we delve into our business problem, it’s worth pausing to consider how algorithms and machine learning models fit into tasks traditionally tackled by human intuition and expertise. Whether it’s stock trading, customer segmentation, or even medical diagnosis, there’s a growing list of areas where algorithmic decision-making is either complementing or outpacing human ability.

The Power of Algorithms

At their core, algorithms are step-by-step procedures for solving problems. They transform input (like data points, user actions, or commands) into a desired output, using clearly defined rules. Where humans may struggle with the sheer volume of data or the complexity of variables, algorithms excel.

The Evolution to Machine Learning

Machine learning takes this a step further. Instead of relying on explicit rules defined by humans, machine learning models learn these rules themselves by analyzing data. This enables them to adapt and improve automatically, offering a level of flexibility and accuracy that’s often beyond human reach.

Efficiency and Scalability

The key benefit here is efficiency. While a human operator may be able to manage scheduling for a few trucks and containers manually, the task becomes exponentially more complicated as the variables and constraints increase. An algorithm, especially one powered by machine learning, can manage this complexity at scale and in real-time, often more accurately and far more quickly than a human could.

The transition from manual processes to algorithms, and eventually to machine learning models, is not just about staying ahead in the technology curve. It’s about tackling complex problems with greater accuracy, speed, and scalability. It’s these advantages that make the algorithmic approach not only intriguing but also incredibly practical for SaaS applications.

Now, let’s dive into a concrete example that showcases how an algorithm powered by machine learning can transform operational efficiency in a SaaS-based logistics operation.

Unpacking the Business Problem: Navigating the Logistics Maze

Having understood the potency of algorithms and machine learning in enhancing decision-making, let’s now examine a business problem that is begging for an algorithmic intervention.

The Context

Imagine a scenario where you’re overseeing logistics for a firm that specializes in collecting and processing a range of materials. This operation is not as straightforward as it might appear on the surface. The logistics involve:

  • Production Locations: Multiple sites dedicated to the generation of diverse types of materials. Each site has its own production schedule and material-specific storage requirements.
  • Material Containers: Once the materials are generated, they are placed in containers that have unique identifiers and storage conditions.
  • Transportation: A fleet of trucks is available to ferry these containers to a central processing facility. Each truck has the capacity to carry between 1 to 3 containers per trip.
  • Processing Plant: At the heart of this operation is a central processing plant with variable and real-time needs for different types of materials.

The Complication

The real challenge lies in orchestrating the timely and efficient transportation of these containers to the processing plant. This becomes an intricate puzzle when you factor in:

  • Material Degradation: The quality of some materials begins to deteriorate shortly after production, necessitating timely transportation.
  • Variable Plant Needs: The processing plant has fluctuating needs for different types of materials, depending on various factors such as processing schedules, machine availability, and market demand.
  • Distance and Time: The production locations are situated at different distances from the processing plant, affecting the total time required for transportation.

The Objective

The objective, then, is to develop an algorithm that could dynamically generate an ‘importance score’ for each container. This score would essentially rank the containers based on a multitude of factors, such as the type of material, its rate of deterioration, container fill level, and the current needs of the processing plant.

The Additional Constraint: Interlinked Container Scores

Not only do we need to consider individual factors for each container, such as type of material, rate of degradation, and fill level, but we also need to factor in how containers influence each other. For example, if two containers near each other are both nearing full capacity or holding rapidly deteriorating materials, it would be more efficient to pick them up together.

The Human Element: Traditional Decision-Making in Logistics

Before we delve into the algorithmic and machine learning realm, let’s explore how this intricate logistics puzzle is solved using manual human decision-making. This will offer us a baseline to measure the efficiencies that a machine learning model can introduce.

The Human Interface

In the current scenario, a human operator oversees the logistics through an application interface. On this screen, the following information is available:

  • Container IDs and Types: A list of all containers, differentiated by unique identifiers and material types.
  • Container Fill Level: A percentage-based indicator or a graphical representation showing how full each container is.
  • Material Quality Indicator: A dynamic gauge showing the rate of material degradation for each container.
  • Processing Plant Needs: A real-time feed displaying the types and quantities of materials that the processing plant currently needs.
  • Distances: A map or chart indicating the distance of each production location from the processing plant, as well as the distance between production locations.
  • Truck Status: A panel showing the availability of trucks, their current location, and capacity.

Human Decision-Making Process

The human operator scans this information and makes scheduling decisions based on a set of implicit rules or guidelines, such as:

  1. Container Fill Level: The operator assesses whether a container is close to being full and prioritizes it if so, while also considering the material’s degradation rate.
  2. Urgency Over Proximity: If a material is deteriorating rapidly, it is given priority, even if the container is far from the processing plant.
  3. Combining Loads: The operator tries to optimize truck routes by combining loads that are geographically close and needed at the processing plant around the same time.
  4. Adapt to Plant Needs: If the processing plant suddenly requires a material, the human operator might rearrange the transportation schedule to meet this urgent need.

Despite the operator’s expertise and situational awareness, this approach has its limitations. The process is time-consuming, error-prone, and less efficient compared to what an optimized algorithm could achieve. It’s also subject to human biases and can be affected by fatigue and cognitive overload.

In the subsequent sections, I will demonstrate how a machine learning model can augment human decision-making by rapidly analyzing multiple factors to suggest the most efficient transportation schedule.

Identifying the Machine Learning Problem

Before diving into the world of algorithms and machine learning models, it’s imperative to first accurately identify the type of problem we aim to solve. Machine learning problems can broadly fall into categories such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning, among others.

In our case, I believe that we are dealing with a supervised learning problem. We can train a supervised machine learning algorithm by having enough training data that we have labeled.

Labeled training data is a set of data points where each point is paired with an outcome label. In the context of supervised learning, this data serves as the “teacher,” guiding the model during the training phase. Each data point, often called a “feature vector,” represents various attributes related to the problem. The “label” is the outcome we are trying to predict or classify.

For example, in our route planning application:

  • Feature Vector: [Type of material, Rate of material degradation, Distance from the processing plant, Fill level of the container, Current processing plant needs]
  • Label: Importance score for container pickup

The algorithm learns the mapping from feature vectors to labels during the training process. Once trained, the model can then predict labels for new, unlabeled data points.

Identifying the Problem Type: Regression or Multi-objective Optimization?

Now that we’ve established that we’re dealing with a supervised learning scenario, it’s crucial to narrow down the problem type further. Generally, supervised learning problems are either classification or regression. Given our need to predict a continuous ‘importance score,’ a regression model seems like a natural fit.

A Regression Approach

In a regression-based model, we aim to predict a continuous score that represents the importance of picking up each container. We could expand the feature vectors to include not just individual attributes of each container but also those of nearby containers, thereby encapsulating local context into our predictions. A sample feature vector might look like this:

[Type of material, Rate of material degradation, Distance from plant, Fill level, Type of material in closest container, Distance to closest container, Type of material in second closest container, Distance to second closest container, ...]

A Multi-objective Optimization Approach

Alternatively, this problem can be framed as a multi-objective optimization problem. Here, multiple conflicting objectives, such as minimizing transportation costs and maximizing the quality of delivered materials, are simultaneously optimized. Solutions are often represented as a Pareto front, giving decision-makers a range of viable options to consider.

In the realm of multi-objective optimization, a Pareto front represents a set of solutions that are ‘non-dominated’ or ‘Pareto optimal.’ In simpler terms, these solutions are the best trade-offs among conflicting objectives, such as minimizing costs while maximizing quality.

When decision-makers look at the Pareto front, they are essentially given multiple optimal choices. These choices vary in how they trade off one objective against the others, allowing for a more nuanced decision-making process.

Interestingly, we could even combine these two methods. Start by utilizing a regression model to assign an initial ‘importance score’ to each container based on various features. This score could then serve as an input for a multi-objective optimization model that could fine-tune the truck scheduling.

Framing the Problem as Regression for Simplification

Before we delve into data collection and model training, let’s make a simplifying assumption. Although our business problem could naturally be seen as a multi-objective optimization problem, for the purposes of this introductory guide, I will consider it as a regression problem. This decision enables us to focus on the fundamental aspects of using machine learning in a SaaS application without getting mired in complexity.

Let’s dive next into the details of how to effectively identify and prepare the data for machine learning, setting the stage for superior model performance.

Data Gathering for Model Training: The Foundation of Machine Learning

One cannot emphasize enough the importance of quality data when it comes to machine learning. As the saying goes, “Garbage in, garbage out.” So, what kind of data do we need to effectively solve our container pickup and scheduling problem?

Identifying Relevant Features

Firstly, let’s list down the features that will act as input variables to our regression model:

  1. Material Type: What type of material is in the container?
  2. Material Age: How long has the material been in the container?
  3. Container Fullness: How full is the container?
  4. Processing Plant Need: What is the current demand for this material at the processing plant?
  5. Distance to Processing Plant: How far is the container from the processing plant?
  6. Neighboring Container Data: Information about two or three closest containers.

Data Sources

Where do we source this data?

  • Material Type and Age: This data could be obtained from the application’s tracking system, which keeps tabs on when material was added to each container.
  • Container Fullness: Sensors in each container could provide real-time data on how full a container is.
  • Processing Plant Need: This could be acquired from the processing plant’s current inventory and demand forecast data.
  • Distance to Processing Plant: This would be a fixed data point, assuming the container locations and plant location are static.
  • Information on Neighboring Containers: Assuming that the production locations are static, data about the closest containers can be calculated.

For the sake of simplifying our discussion, let’s operate under the assumption that once the data sources have been identified, the data itself can be readily aggregated and made available for subsequent processing.

Labeling the Data with Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth

Since this is a supervised learning problem, each data point needs to be labeled with the actual outcome, which in our case is the “importance score” for picking up the container. My recommended approach to tackle this important task is to employ Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth. This AWS service streamlines the labeling process by synergistically blending machine learning models with human expertise to produce highly accurate labels efficiently and cost-effectively.

For our specific project, we’ll be utilizing our in-house experts to perform the labeling. These experts bring a wealth of domain-specific knowledge to the table, ensuring that the ‘importance scores’ assigned to each container are both accurate and meaningful. SageMaker Ground Truth provides an intuitive interface for human labelers and can be configured to assist them by offering pre-annotated suggestions. This not only speeds up the process but also maintains a high degree of accuracy, as our experts can either confirm or adjust these machine-generated labels.

By integrating our in-house expertise with the powerful capabilities of Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth, we are not only economizing valuable time but also significantly enhancing the quality of our labeled dataset. This paves the way for the successful training of our forthcoming machine learning model.

An Alternative Approach to Data Labeling

While we have opted for Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth for labeling our data, it’s worth mentioning an alternative strategy that leverages the expertise of human operators. In this approach, as the operator uses the system to schedule container pick-ups, their decisions can be captured and used to generate labeled data.

This real-world, human-in-the-loop method provides a dual advantage. First, it captures decision-making nuances that may not be immediately apparent to an algorithm. Second, it allows for the continuous enrichment of the training data as operators keep using the system.

It’s important to keep in mind that employing this method necessitates stringent data quality checks and may require additional preprocessing steps. This ensures that the labeled data meets the criteria for effective machine learning model training.

Regardless of the method employed for data labeling, the subsequent step in our machine learning pipeline remains constant: data transformation. Raw, labeled data is often not in a format that is directly usable for machine learning model training.

Feature Engineering: Data Transformation for Improved Model Training

After identifying the relevant features and data sources, and labeling the data, the next crucial step is transforming this raw data into a format that’s conducive for machine learning algorithms. This phase, known as Feature Engineering, aims to clean, normalize, and encode the data, ensuring it’s well-suited for the machine learning model.

Techniques to Consider

  1. One-Hot Encoding: For categorical variables like material type or location ID, one-hot encoding can transform these into binary vectors, making them easier to quantify.
  2. Normalization: Features like fill levels and time since last pickup, which may have different units and scales, should be normalized to ensure that no single feature disproportionately influences the model.
  3. Time Series Decomposition: If your features include time-dependent data, techniques like seasonal decomposition can isolate trends and seasonality, making the data more manageable.
  4. Feature Scaling: To make sure all features contribute equally to the model’s performance, scaling methods like Min-Max Scaling or Standardization can be applied.
  5. Handling Missing Values: Incomplete or missing data is a common issue. Techniques like mean imputation or using placeholder values can handle this.
  6. Polynomial Features: For capturing interactions between features, polynomial features can be generated. However, be cautious as this increases the data dimensionality.

By applying these transformation techniques, we can ensure that the data not only retains its original information but is also in a format that is more suitable for machine learning algorithms.

Preparing Data with Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler

After understanding the significance of data preparation, the next crucial step is choosing the right tool to accomplish this task efficiently. My choice is to use Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler, which is part of the extensive ecosystem of Amazon SageMaker Studio.

Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler offers an interactive interface that significantly streamlines the data preparation process. With its comprehensive range of pre-built data transformation functionalities, you can execute complex data cleansing and transformation tasks with minimal effort and just a few clicks.

While working with Data Wrangler to prepare our dataset, we go through several key phases:

  1. Configuring Data Sources in Data Wrangler: To initiate the data preparation process in Data Wrangler, our starting point is an Amazon S3 bucket that contains our already-labeled data.
  2. Constructing a Data Flow: At this stage, we develop a comprehensive data flow tailored to our single dataset, which includes diverse features such as container fullness levels, distances to processing plants, and other logistics data of importance. The data flow becomes the backbone for subsequent analyses and optimizations.
  3. Leveraging Visual Tools and Built-in Data Analysis Features: Data Wrangler offers an array of visual tools and analytical features that assist in better understanding the complexities and interrelations within our data. This helps us to fine-tune our approach before embarking on the data transformation phase.
  4. Utilizing the Robust Transformation Toolkit: Data Wrangler comes equipped with a wide range of built-in transformation tools. These help us in cleaning, standardizing, and restructuring our dataset, thereby enhancing its suitability for machine learning tasks.
  5. Exporting the Prepared Data: The final step involves exporting our polished dataset into an Amazon S3 bucket. At this point, the data is structured and cleaned, making it ready for the next phase: Developing the machine learning model with SageMaker.

With our data now meticulously cleaned, structured, and labeled, we’re well-prepared for the next crucial step in our journey. In the following sections, we will dive deeper into how Amazon SageMaker can further assist us — not just in training a high-performing machine learning model, but also in deploying it seamlessly for real-world applications.

Embarking on the Machine Learning Journey: From Algorithm Selection to Model Deployment

As we have successfully navigated the labyrinthine tasks of data collection, cleaning, and labeling, we arrive at the crux of our solution — teaching a machine learning model to optimize our logistics operations. This phase is crucial, as the choices we make here will directly impact the model’s ability to generalize and make effective decisions based on new, unseen data. This section will guide you through the essential steps of this journey, starting with algorithm selection and culminating in model deployment.

By leveraging Amazon SageMaker’s rich set of features and capabilities, we aim to build a model that not only performs excellently on our training data but also scales gracefully to handle real-world complexities.

Selecting the Right Machine Learning Algorithm

In the realm of machine learning, the choice of algorithm is akin to choosing the right tool for the job. There are a plethora of algorithms available, each with its own strengths, weaknesses, and suitability for specific types of problems. For our logistics optimization use case, the problem can be viewed as a form of regression or even a ranking task, given that we aim to assign ‘importance scores’ to each container for optimal pick-up scheduling.

After evaluating various algorithms such as Random Forest, Gradient Boosting Machines, and Neural Networks, my choice is to use the XGBoost algorithm. XGBoost has demonstrated excellent performance in both classification and regression tasks and offers the flexibility to handle a wide range of data types.

Machine Learning Model Training with Amazon SageMaker

Having chosen XGBoost algorithm, the next step is to train the model. Amazon SageMaker provides a fully-managed service that covers the entire machine learning workflow to label and prepare your data, choose an algorithm, train the model, tune and optimize it for deployment, make predictions, and take action.

Data Ingestion

We start by ingesting the labeled data, which is already stored in an Amazon S3 bucket, directly into SageMaker. This process is seamless, thanks to the native integration between SageMaker and S3.

Model Configuration

Configuring the model involves specifying the algorithm (XGBoost in our case), setting initial hyperparameters, and defining the resource configurations like the type and number of instances needed for training.

Hyperparameter Tuning

Amazon SageMaker offers automatic hyperparameter tuning, which can fine-tune the model’s performance by searching through thousands of different hyperparameter combinations.

Model Training

Once the setup is complete, SageMaker takes over the heavy lifting. The service automatically scales the compute resources, orchestrates the training process, and stores the trained model artifacts for future use. We can monitor this in real-time via the SageMaker console, observing metrics like training and validation errors to ensure the model is learning effectively.

Model Evaluation

After the training process is complete, it’s essential to evaluate the model’s performance using SageMaker’s built-in metrics. This provides insights into how well the model will perform on unseen data.

By leveraging Amazon SageMaker’s powerful capabilities, we can efficiently go through the complete lifecycle of model training and evaluation, paving the way for operational enhancements in our logistics processes.

With our machine learning model now trained and validated, the next critical task is to transition from a static model to a dynamic service. In the following section, we will delve into the intricacies of deploying the trained model as a service using Amazon SageMaker, turning it into an actionable tool for our SaaS application.

Deploying the Trained Model as a Service with Amazon SageMaker

Having successfully trained our machine learning model, the next logical step is its deployment. After all, the true value of a model is only realized when it becomes operational, delivering actionable insights or automating tasks.

Deploying a machine learning model can often be a complex and tedious endeavor, but Amazon SageMaker significantly simplifies this process. With features designed to streamline deployment and ensure robust, scalable service, SageMaker enables us to transform our trained model into an operational asset quickly and efficiently.

Let’s walk through the key steps involved in deploying the machine learning model with Amazon SageMaker:

  1. Model Packaging: This entails packaging the trained model artifacts and inference code into a model container.
  2. Create an Endpoint Configuration: This involves defining the necessary resources for deployment, including the instance type and auto-scaling settings.
  3. Deploy: We use SageMaker’s CreateEndpoint API to deploy the model, which establishes an HTTPS endpoint where new data can be sent for predictions.
  4. Testing and Validation: Once deployed, it’s crucial to validate the model’s performance by using the SageMaker Endpoint runtime to invoke it.
  5. Monitoring and Logging: SageMaker provides built-in monitoring via Amazon CloudWatch, offering key metrics and logs to help us track the model’s health and performance.

The next critical decision is determining how to call the SageMaker endpoint from our SaaS application to make real-time or batch predictions. In the following section, we’ll explore various methods for doing just that.

Interfacing with the Deployed Model: Real-Time and Batch Predictions

After successfully deploying our machine learning model on Amazon SageMaker, the final piece of the puzzle is integrating this endpoint into our SaaS application. The ability to call this endpoint to obtain real-time or batch predictions is essential for reaping the benefits of our machine learning efforts.

Real-Time Predictions

For situations demanding immediate results, such as calculating the ‘importance score’ for a container that has just been filled, Amazon SageMaker offers low-latency real-time prediction capabilities. To accomplish this, one can use the SageMaker Runtime API to make an InvokeEndpoint API call, which returns the predictions almost instantaneously.

Here’s a python example code of that:

import boto3

client = boto3.client('runtime.sagemaker')

response = client.invoke_endpoint(


Batch Predictions

For larger datasets where latency is not a primary concern, batch predictions are often more resource-efficient. You can initiate a batch transform job, specifying the input and output S3 locations, to get your predictions in bulk.

Here’s a python example of of that:

import sagemaker

sagemaker_session = sagemaker.Session()
batch_input = 's3://the-batch-input'
batch_output = 's3://the-batch-output'

transformer = sagemaker.transformer.Transformer(

transformer.transform(batch_input, content_type='application/jsonlines')

Selecting the most suitable approach for invoking a SageMaker endpoint is contingent upon the distinct needs of your specific use case. In the context of our example scenario, a viable strategy might involve performing hourly batch calculations of ‘importance scores’ for all containers. These scores could then be seamlessly integrated into the user interface, providing operators with data-driven recommendations.


In the realm of SaaS logistics operations, data-driven solutions are not just a luxury; they are a necessity. The complexity and scale of the challenges demand tools and approaches that are both robust and scalable. Through this blog post, we have navigated the intricate journey of building a machine learning-powered solution to optimize container management, all within the robust ecosystem of Amazon SageMaker.

We explored how data preparation is not merely a preliminary step but a cornerstone in building machine learning models. Utilizing Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth, we engaged in-house experts to meticulously label the data. Subsequent to labeling, Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler proved to be an indispensable tool for further data preparation, offering a comprehensive range of functionalities to refine our dataset.

Choosing the right machine learning algorithm set the stage for effective model training, and Amazon SageMaker’s built-in algorithms provided a wide array of options to choose from. Once the model was trained, SageMaker simplified what is often considered the most complex part of the machine learning lifecycle: model deployment. We discussed how to operationalize the trained model as a scalable and reliable endpoint service that could be invoked to generate ‘importance scores,’ providing invaluable insights for operational optimization.

The seamless integration between various AWS services and SageMaker makes it an ideal platform for developing, deploying, and scaling machine learning solutions. As we move towards a future where data is the lifeblood of decision-making, leveraging Amazon SageMaker’s capabilities will become increasingly crucial.

It’s not just about doing things faster; it’s about doing things smarter and more efficiently, thereby unlocking new realms of possibilities and innovations.

Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more in-depth articles on leveraging AWS services for your SaaS solutions.



Jari Ikävalko

Solutions Architect at Skillwell. AWS Ambassador. Specializing in SaaS and AWS integrations. Author on scalable, secure SaaS.