UX / UI: How to develop user-friendly and intuitive applications

Kristina Verlin
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2024

First impressions matter: The impact of user interface and user experience on users

Have you ever wondered how much user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) affect users and the success of an app?

Imagine you download a new app on your phone. Naturally, you expect it to be easy to use, intuitive and functionally useful. What if when the application starts there is a confusing user interface that is difficult to understand and causes negative feelings during use? Like other users, you may think that the application is too difficult to learn and stop using it.

In order for this not to happen, the user interfaces of online services and mobile applications must be attractive, the navigation must be clear, and the user experience must be attractive and intuitive from the first seconds.

How does the structure of the mobile application affect user participation and engagement?

The design of applications and online services includes not only the visual side, such as colors, fonts and graphics, but also usability, navigation and the general impression it leaves on the user. The efficient structure facilitates the user’s interaction with the application, making it intuitive and pleasant. The quality of the application’s structure and visuals are major factors that determine the user’s first impression and ultimately the decision whether the user continues to use the application or switches to a competing alternative.

User engagement is based on several factors:

1. User interface

One of the most important aspects of application development is its ease of use. In order for the user to use the application regularly, an intuitive user interface must be created. It is also important to pay attention to the responsiveness of the design to different devices and screen resolutions, so that the use is smooth on any device.

2. Visual design

Another important aspect is the visual appearance. The chosen colors, fonts, typography, illustrations and icons affect how the user experiences the application. Good visual design creates positive associations and increases the use of the service.

3. Interaction and user experience

Interactive elements and animations make the user experience more interesting and attractive. When the user interface elements react to the user’s actions with, for example, light and natural animations, it gives a response and makes using the application more pleasant. The user does not just perform the necessary actions, but participates in a dialogue with the application. These small interactions create a sense of presence, which increases the time spent in the app.

4. Individual user experience

Users appreciate a personalized user experience. Apps that offer customized content or functionality based on their user’s interests or usage history are effective in retaining their users.

In the development work, it is therefore good to take into account the target audience’s interests, age, gender and cultural characteristics. Different demographics like different looks and uses. For example, young people are attracted by bright and colorful tones, creative illustrations and a friendly tone of voice, while older audiences may prefer more restrained elements.

The structure and visuals of an application or service are decisive in terms of maintaining user experience and interest. The key elements of a successful service are an intuitive user interface, an attractive visual appearance and a unique user experience.

What if the app has a complicated and unintuitive user experience?

The first impression is of great importance, and if it is bad, the user may immediately decide to stop using the service and delete it from their device.

If the application has a complex and confusing user interface, users may experience difficulties in navigating and finding the necessary information or functions. This repels users, especially if there are alternative apps with a more user-friendly interface.

So the visual and functional design of the app directly affects user engagement. A well-thought-out UI/UX tailored to the target audience helps attract new users and ensures their long-term loyalty.

If you want to develop an attractive visual look for the service or update the functionality of your application, we can help! Skillwell’s team will develop an application for you that attracts and engages users, promoting the development of your business.



Kristina Verlin
Editor for

Business Development Manager at Skillwell | Exploring SaaS potential, cloud benefits, and the power of design in business.