Deeper Labs

Eduardo Piairo
Deeper Insights
2 min readMar 4, 2021


The work is growing, the team is growing, everything is growing, except TIME!

Our team started to feel that we only have time for working and not for other very relevant activities, such as, learning, researching, knowledge sharing, critical discussions around a topic, among others.

So we created Deeper Labs, our dedicated space for the relevant activities just mentioned.


  • Research around a subject, tool, or problem;
  • This research can be done individually or in a group;
  • Sharing the research progress and/or results is encouraged, but optional.


  • A common (or individual) project where people can contribute to building a tool (or another form of solution);
  • The project should have an owner;
  • The project progress should be shared with the company on a periodic basis.


  • A practical session for teaching/learning new skills or improving existing skills;
  • The session would have a duration between 30 minutes and 2 hours.


  • Space where anyone can bring their problems and challenges and start an open discussion around the problem and potential solutions.

Bring a guest

  • Anyone can propose a guest, someone outside the company, who can share with us his / her knowledge and experience. We welcome external perspectives at Deeper Insights!.
  • The format can be an informal conversation or something with more structure like a fireside chat or presentation.


To implement Deeper Labs we locked in our calendar 2 hours on Friday every 2 weeks. The participation by every team member is optional in the same way that the format and content can be proposed by any person.

By bringing Deeper Labs to life, we hope to create a more balanced environment in terms of working, learning, and sharing.

