Natural Ingredients To Exfoliate Your Skin

Pragati Mehra
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2020

Exfoliation is the shedding or peeling of dead skin cells from the upper layer of the skin. Your skin naturally sheds dead skin cells every 30 days to make room for new cells. Sometimes, dead skin cells don’t shed completely. This can result in dry, flaky patches and clogged pores. Exfoliating can help prevent this. It occurs naturally in healthy skin but, like all body processes, it slows down as we age.

Cell turnover in healthy skin occurs, on average, like this:

  • In your 20s: 14–25 days
  • In your 30s: 30 days
  • In your 40s: 40 days

And so on, slowing down by a few days for every decade.

The new, smoother skin looks radiant and younger and this pushes people to think that more exfoliation is better.

“But by over-exfoliating, you’re actually removing the only protective barrier that your skin has,” says Dr. Ben Johnson, founder of Osmosis MD Collection Skincare. “If you remove the barrier, then your skin is exposed to environmental toxins — not to mention the sun, which causes the most damage to your skin. So the key is to use products that encourage a natural cell turnover and keep skin hydrated.”

So, assuming that you exfoliate on the first day of the month and you are in your 20s, then there is a fresh layer of skin on the surface that won’t turn over completely for another 14–25 days.

What follows is a list of ingredients that make great exfoliants.

  1. Honey

Honey helps to speed up the natural exfoliation process. It has humectant qualities, which help attract moisture, making it great as a hydrating facial scrub. Squirt a nice sized dollop into clean hands and scrub face gently, washing with warm water.

2. Yogurt

Yogurt may not seem like an obvious choice for exfoliation since it’s so smooth, but it contains lactic acid, the same alpha hydroxy acid found in skin care treatments, only milder. It is good for removing dead skin cells, soothing and softening the skin. It can also help to even your skin tone if you apply plain yogurt to face and let sit 20 minutes, few times a week.

3. Sugar

Sugar is a natural humectant, which means it draws moisture from the surrounding environment to itself. When you apply products with sugar or sugar derivatives, they will help to hydrate your skin and keep moisture within.

Sugar cane is a natural source of glycolic acid, another alpha hydroxy that can boost new skin cell production as well as smooth and soften the skin. Mix a half-cup of white or brown sugar with enough olive oil to make a paste and apply to face in circular motion. Let sit for 10 minutes and wash away with warm water.

4. Lemon juice

Lemon Juice is also a natural alpha hydroxy acid that removes dead skin cells. Mix one-quarter-cup each of lemon juice, apple juice, grape juice and cane sugar until sugar dissolves. Then apply the mixture to your face with a cotton pad, and leave it on for 10 minutes before rinsing off.

5. Papaya

Papaya contains the enzyme papain, which dissolves dead skin cells. Papain may also heal skin and cause fine lines and age spots to lighten. Papain is most potent in young fruit, so select green papayas. Mash the fruit into a smooth paste and apply to face, leaving on for 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

6. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a gentle natural exfoliator that helps to absorb oil, so it is ideal for people with greasy skin. Mix one tablespoon of oatmeal with one tablespoon of brown sugar and raw honey. You can also add Jojoba oil and other essential oils for extra benefits.

7. Coffee

Coffee can wake up your skin and help to decrease puffiness around the eyes. It also has a great texture for exfoliating; it is rough but also crumbly so it will remove skin without irritating your face. You can either use fresh beans or ones that have already been brewed! Combine half a teaspoon of coconut oil with half a teaspoon of finely ground coffee beans for this exfoliator.

Follow exfoliation with a good moisturizer for best results.

