Skin Care Lessons I Learned The Hard Way

Pragati Mehra
Published in
3 min readSep 9, 2020

Hello, glow getters! Today is the day when I finally gathered all my courage and decided to share my journey of discomfort with the marks on my face to skin positivity. Throughout this blog, or rather these blogs, I will share with you a few things that I wish my past self knew.

Around the age of fifteen, during my summer break, I went on a vacation to Thailand with my family and friends. After an escape from reality for almost a week, I came back home only to discover that I had something new to deal with — Chickenpox. The infection was dreadful and it left me with marks over my face, arms, stomach and legs. This was a time when my insecurity with my skin escalated so much so that it affected my self-esteem. I became underconfident and even reluctant to go out and meet people.

Now when I look back, I realise that all the ‘looking at myself in the mirror and crying’ was not worth it. Life goes on and things get better. And, they did. Here are three of the most important lessons I learned:

1. Be patient, and consistent.

Skin care is a process. It is a journey. As much as we want glimmering skin overnight, unfortunately, it just doesn’t happen. Instead of touching your face and observing it every hour of the day, trust in the process and be persistent. Just as getting fit and healthy takes time and determination, so does clearing up the skin.

2. Skincare starts from the inside.

Literally, taking care of your skin starts from within. Getting to know yourself and your skin is of the most importance. Once you strengthen your relationship with your body, it will reveal to you what products, foods and even drinks work and do not work for you.

For instance, I have noticed for over an year now that my skin does not appreciate when I eat chocolates (FYI, I love eating chocolates. Emphasis on ‘love’) Three out of five times I wake up with a zit on my face the day after I eat chocolates. This has shown me that there is direct link between what I put in my stomach and how my skin reacts to it.

3. Keep yourself hydrated.

I know you have probably heard it a million times but I am still going to take this opportunity to remind you — drink at least eight full glasses of water every day. For your skin’s sake, it is one of the easiest beauty treatments you can do. No, you will not be able to get rid of every skin care product ever but, it will definitely help.

Stay strong, learn to love yourself no matter the condition of your skin and most importantly — TRUST THE PROCESS. I really hope this helps you gather up the tiniest bit of motivation to take care of your skin. I would love if you send it to someone who needs to read it.

