The Skinny on Getting Skinny

I lost 17 lbs in 3 months — but then a twist in my tale

Tooth Truth Roopa Vikesh
Skinny is Best


27 September 2022. Author photo.

I essentially lived the same day for 12 weeks during which I lost a pound a week or more.

Morning: school run, gym, and dental patients.

Wake at 6:15 am, prepare my daughter’s breakfast and tiffin, drive to school, get back and eat an egg, off to the gym, burn 300 calories and drink half a scoop of BCAAs, back home, eat half a fruit and a scoop of whey in a shake, have my calcium tablets and work at my dental clinic.

Lunch break: a balanced meal and a siesta

Get home, eat salad-cooked veggies-rice-lentils-cashews-walnuts for lunch, and sleep the “sleep of the just” for one hour.

Evening shift and dinner

Get back to work, have vegetables-flatbread-peanut butter for dinner, and fall asleep before I got hungry.

Why do I say it took a year?

My gallbladder and uterus were surgically removed in Sep ’21 and Feb ’22. My health transformations came too late to save those two organs of mine.

The twist in my tale



Tooth Truth Roopa Vikesh
Skinny is Best

I don’t just create smiles, I inspire them! Dentist, mom—Jamshedpur, India.