5 Dual Enrollment Facts to Know

Better post-college outcomes give students a head start

Adrianna Lakatos
Skip High School
2 min readJan 24, 2024


#1. Dual enrollment students are more likely to graduate high school and earn a college degree

Promising research from several studies shows that dual enrollment students earn more degrees more quickly, with better high school and college outcomes.

#2. 1 out of 5 community college students are high schoolers

The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center Estimates that 1 out of every 5 community college students in the US are also high school students, many of which are 17 years old and younger! High school students account for an increasing percentage of community college enrollments.

#3. 70% of dual enrollment courses are offered at community colleges

Public four-year universities and other private colleges have time to catch up, but data from The Community College Research Center points to the finding that community colleges currently offer the most robust dual enrollment offerings.

#4. Most dual enrollment programs offer coursework and textbooks at little to no cost to students/parents

Parents and students generally do not need to pay additional fees in order to take dual enrollment classes. Many states (including Ohio) maintain no-cost dual enrollment education. College Credit Plus, Ohio’s early college program states that ”taking a college course from a public college or university through College Credit Plus is free”.

#5. 80% of high schools in the US offer dual enrollment programs.

Overall, early college dual enrollment programs (like Ohio’s College Credit Plus) give students more autonomy over what, where, and how they learn.

These programs also give students an opportunity to earn debt-free two-year, four-year (and potentially even graduate) degrees, giving them a head start on life.

Did you learn anything new about dual enrollment?

Have you considered dual enrollment as an alternative to the “traditional” high school and college experience? Why or why not? Please, share your thoughts in the comments below (or send an email to skiphighschool@gmail.com)

Don’t let you or your child get left behind — visit skiphighschool.com to learn how we’re improving access to dual enrollment education in the US!



Adrianna Lakatos
Skip High School

Hi, I’m Adrianna! I write about tech, blockchain, education, self-help, & beyond! Find me online @ adriannalakatos.com