Originally published on The Daily Skip

Let’s Play Make Believe

Repo man assumed the identity of a federal marshal to obtain illegal cell pings.

Valerie McGilvrey
Published in
5 min readOct 25, 2020


[Update 2/10/2016: Edens was sentenced to one year in federal prison and three years probation after release. He has been serving the remainder of his sentence for stalking and harassment in a Georgia Department of Corrections Prison. He’ll begin his federal prison sentence once his current sentence is completed.]

We’ve all made mistakes. I’ve probably made more mistakes than you have and I’m like any other person who’ll sheepishly look down in shame to reluctantly admit guilt. It’s easier for me to auto-correct as I get older though (thanks to five hours per year of mandatory ethics classes).

Auto recovery in this decade is a noble profession and I believe that my vendors are experts in doing the job in the field as I also am, in my own right, an expert at finding people who dodge the repo trucks.

If a person can deliver industry “speak” then I assume that I’m not dealing with someone who's going to cause a huge lawsuit that could end my client-relationship and cost me thousands in attorney fees. If their repossession insurance is current and they have a valid tow truck license, then I’m good.



Valerie McGilvrey

I’m a Texas PI who teaches legal professionals how to find people who don't want to be found. Follow me on X @skipvue, Insta @skipvue and YouTube.com/skipvue