Meet our Sknow Experts: Sigbjørn Ytrehus — curious about Sknow and its effectiveness

Hilde Solberg
The sknow blog
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2019

Meet Sigbjørn, one of our Sknow Experts who is a ski guide living in Sogndal. Sigbjørn has a strong background in skiing and avalanche safety. “My introduction to skiing and alpine travels started during my gap year at Folkehøgskole. After that I attended different guiding schools for further training in Alta and Lofoten.” Sigbjørn pursued further education through a bachelors in outdoor life and updates his training regularly with courses through the Observer Corps.

Sknow asked Sigbjørn about his favourite area for skiing, but it was a tough question for him to answer. “It’s hard to say. I live here in Sogndal because it´s nice and an excellent place for skiing. I also enjoy Northern Norway because it´s especially pleasant in the spring time. It´s a little dark there right now, but it´s beautiful there in May.”

Sigbjørn says that there have been situations where he has made bad choices and triggered avalanches in the backcountry. “Sometimes you make a wrong decision in deciding which slope to ski because your eagerness takes over your reason,” Sibgjørn tells us. “I once triggered an avalanche at the Folkehøgskole that could’ve gone wrong. I have also been taken by smaller avalanches which luckily have ended well. Everyone who has travelled in steep terrain for several years have experienced bad weather and wind. Wind might be the worst.”

Sigbjørn’s introduction to Sknow was in Myrkdalen where he met Monica. “I held a presentation about avalanche transmitters, and she was presenting Sknow afterwards, so we got to talking,” Sigbjørn says. Sigbjørn wants to be a Sknow Expert this season because of his curiosity about the product and its effectiveness. “It’s a new concept I haven’t thought about before, so I want to help Sknow. If the end-result is something you can trust to a certain degree, not blindly; and it helps the skier make better decisions and prevent accidents, then it’s great for the skiing community.”

Sigbjørn has one simple tip for safe travels in alpine winter environment. “The easiest way to avoid an avalanche is just to go where it is not that steep. Then most of the job is done.”

Sknow is pleased to have Sibjørn as part as a Sknow expert and is looking forward to collaborating with him!

