Shortlisted for World Summit Awards (WSA)

Monica Vaksdal
The sknow blog
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2018

First, what is WSA? The World Summit Awards selects and promotes the world’s best digital innovation with impact on society. WSA keeps a close strategic association with the United Nation agendas . WSA contributes to the UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AGENDA by recognizing local digital content with an impact on society, demonstrating the richness and diversity of innovative applications.

Think Outside and our digital innovation (formerly known as Dingo) was first selected as best and most innovative digital solution from our country in our category and we have been competing with nominations from over 100 countries and are now shortlisted! Each product was evaluated by 8 jurors from different regions and with different professional backgrounds to guarantee a democratic decision process. Just last week we got announced that our project has been selected as the best in our category and made it on the shortlist 2018!

What does this mean to us then? This is an incredible acknowledgement by a United Nation agency to what this team is working on, that what we do is both ground breaking and with an international appeal, has great potential, and not the least; we get to spread awareness about mountain winter conditions, avalanche safety and a new smart digital tool that has the potential to save peoples lives as well as be a powerful dataset for climate use in addition to the entertainment and commercial aspect of our solution.

We are building a technology that offers live radar tracking of the snow and ice conditions directly underneath its user; Snow wetness, snow density, snow temperature, snow depth, snow layering, snow grain characterization, and ice thickness. We are on our way to offer the most dynamic and spatially diverse commercial dataset of the world´s changing snow and ice conditions. By tracking these changes climate researches can begin to understand the true impact of climate change in these areas.

We are grateful for all support, recognition and encouragement on our journey.

Protecting winter travelers and the nature that we love.

