Screen Addictions

A Look Inside A 20 Year Olds Brain
2 min readFeb 4, 2024

You may not know this, but you might have a tattoo. It might not be on your body but it’s definitely out on social media somewhere or in someone’s computer system. If you have any form of social media that you interact on then that’s a tattoo you carry around with you every day. The reason it’s a tattoo is because you might not be saying anything but it’s telling everyone something about you. All someone has to do is look at what pictures or videos you interact with and that gives enough information to say things about you. Social media used to be used for fairly simple things like posting random things you might think are funny or even just the dog filter that blew up on snapchat years back. As social media has “advanced” people have become more comfortable with posting things that used to be considered private information. If you view mine or one of my friends’ instagrams then you could find out where i like to travel, who i’m friends with, how many people are in my immediate family, etc.

One way you can protect yourself as a person is to really limit what you post or like on social media. This will help you stay private because there will be very little information about the things you may like or dislike. The only notable thing they will have on you is the times you’re active on the platform. Another way is not falling for the trend of having a bunch of people follow your instagram or friends on snapchat. It’s a very easy way for people to track you and it could even hurt you rather than help you. I know multiple people that have made new social media pages because of how many found them and it made them uncomfortable.

I’m sure me and many other people are hoping that these social media pages will get cleaned up a bit because as of right now, my future kids won’t be allowed to have access to it until they’re old enough to realize that people are gonna be rude and do their best to tear you down. Going off of that, I’m also going to limit their screen time because there’s nothing exciting about raising a “screenager”. I’m sure this is easier said than done with the way the world is going but I’ll do my best to keep the screen as school work rather than pleasure. Being a kid will be the best time of your life with no responsibility and you’re only angry at your mom or dad telling you that you can’t have a cookie before dinner and they won’t be able to enjoy it if they are sitting on their couch or bed all day.

