The Tech Talk Continues

A Look Inside A 20 Year Olds Brain
2 min readMar 18, 2024

Technology has a grip on just about everyone. This is something that many would admit is an addiction while others swear they can quit anytime they want when we all know that’s just not true. Some people use social media platforms for self confidence which I can personally understand. It’s receiving the compliments from friends they can’t say in person that makes you feel good or maybe even just seeing your friend posting pictures and videos of them smiling makes you happy because you love seeing them in a good mood.

By no means is social media only positive, people also love to use this as a way to share negative opinions or facts about people that will purposely ruin their reputation. Social media has a very strong negative impact on people because models could ruin someone’s self esteem or the wealthy could be making people feel poor by showing off their personal things. Another thing is following and like counts that are little things that have a very big impact on someone because people feel like someone could be better than them because of a stupid number.

A very large amount of people spend a unhealthy amount of time on their phone. Me and my friend went onto our screen time today just to see how much we spend on it and he spent 2 hours on instagram alone last Thursday and it wasn’t even 5:30 yet.

Im not totally against social media by any means. I truly believe that social media has taught me near the same as school. School focus is more direct when social media can teach you how to change a flat tire, where to go if you’re in search for something, and many more. Social media influencers also find ways to describe complicated things in fun ways that actually grip onto our generations attention, which is something I personally feel a lot of teachers dont do.

There is more to social media than keeping up with friends. It’s also a great way to express who you are as a person and find other people that share the same hobbies as you. If you view my personal instagram profile you would see that i’m very into the outdoors and spending time with my family and friends. If you have the same interests then you could consider following me cause you see we have things in common.

another thing is if you’re being interviewed for a job you will most likely get “stalked” by the employer. They will look up your social media pages to see what kind of things you post and you represent yourself. The reason they do this is so that they know if someone will represent their company in a proper or professional way.

