Do you need an easy way to calculate your carbon?

Amelia Gormley


After hearing about what the government’s are going to do at COP26 in order to reach Net Zero by 2050, what is your business doing in order to reach this target? Sometimes it’s hard knowing where to start your sustainable journey as there is a lot of greenwashing out there, and it can be difficult to know how to avoid and reduce and which reputable partner to help you do it.

For you to kick off your sustainable journey you need to identify how much carbon you are producing to know how much you need to offset or where you can reduce. It can be overwhelming to figure out where to start offsetting your business’ carbon, but it shouldn’t be hard to work out what your carbon footprint is.

With SKOOT’s Carbon Calculator, you can identify your emissions for free and receive your results in less than 5 minutes. We ask questions about your workforce, office situation and any work travel to calculate an estimated carbon footprint for your business. We use the answers to our questions, and combine that information with corporate standard statistics, taken from Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

Once you have your carbon footprint results, you can start reducing them and select a SKOOT plan to offset your remaining emissions. To ensure your business is carbon negative, we can offset up to 300% of your estimated emissions. Fill in the calculator and start your journey to Net Zero with SKOOT.

Are you ready to take your first step in lowering your carbon footprint? Get started now or if you have any questions you can reach out —

