How we plant trees with our trusted partners Eden Reforestation Project

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3 min readAug 3, 2021

Eden Reforestation Project has been our trusted tree planting partner since the very beginning of SKOOT. When we originally set out to find the right people to help us on our mission to plant trees, it was important that they were reputable, and we trusted them to plant the trees they promised. Eden was the clear choice for us. Eden has written agreements from all Governments in the countries they work in and work at all levels designating the restoration sites as protected in perpetuity. Through their initiatives, they not only help rebuild the planet but also uplift communities living on it.

Eden hires local people to plant trees, helping alleviate extreme poverty within the impacted communities. Fair and constant employment also provides an economic incentive to ensure the well-being of the restoration project. Additionally, those who plant the trees have a sense of “ownership” over the restored forests, so they protect them with great care. Forest guards are employed as part of the project labour force to protect the forests and are part of the cost we pay to Eden. 1% of the price of each tree is paid into the “Forest Guard Endowment Fund” for the long-term guarding and protection of every Eden site.

Tudor Creek

We recently committed to a designated site called Tudor Creek, based just outside of Kenya in Mombasa. Whereas previously we planted trees across the world, we now plant all our trees for the drivers that use our app in one place. It was a no brainer for us to continue this journey with Eden. You can read more about Tudor Creek here.

At Tudor Creek, we focus on planting Mangroves, where we only account for 1 tree planted, although, for every tree planted, there is a 200% increase in numbers. Carbon offset is typically calculated as a 1-year sapling; therefore, we are planting a much greater number of trees than necessary to offset the carbon from any drives done with SKOOT. 100% of trees are local, with 90% of the trees on our site being Mangroves, but a minimum of 10% are agroforestry species (fruit, fodder, and construction species designed to provide food security and benefit legitimate human needs). This ensures the trees become a source of sustainable income.

We take the management of our site and the health of our trees very seriously. For this reason, we work with Eden monthly on our planting schedule (most companies working with Eden do a quarterly review), but we wanted to closely track our site. To this effect, Eden provides monthly statements of planting, plus drone photography proof every 6 months, ensuring that we can track progress and they are certified.

Carbon offset

We calculate our offset as a tonne of carbon offset based on a year of a tree, rather than the 25-year life of a tree (after which the belief is that they degrade or die, particularly for trees like mangroves). Therefore, we roughly calculate 1 tonne to 169 trees, based on the yearly offset, not the annual, and Eden are focussed on both the planting and the sustainable forests and farmers. This means that the positive impact is exponential, even if the land or the trees isn’t protected for 25 years.

Relationship between SKOOT and Eden

When asked about the relationship with SKOOT, Debra Crawford, Chief Development Officer at Eden said, “We are ecstatic to be partnering with SKOOT in their One Million Free Tree Challenge. Along with their commitment to improving the environment, SKOOT is dedicated to supporting Eden Reforestation Projects’ work in uplifting developing communities by empowering them through fair-wage employment to become agents of global reforestation. Our work would not be possible without generous partners such as SKOOT.”

Now we are working with Eden and a 3rd party to certify the carbon of our designated sites, over and above the tree planting. We look forward to continuing our journey with Eden and witnessing our mangrove forest on Tudor Creek grow. If you want to get involved and help plant trees too you can download the SKOOT app here.

