The community that we are creating at SKOOT

Amelia Gormley


At SKOOT we don’t just want to create an app for people to use we want to create a sense of belonging to a movement much greater than just a piece of tech! We want to create a carbon negative movement driven by people who want to do their bit for the planet.

Every day we are learning something new about the planet and if we carry on treating it the way we are there will be a detrimental effect on the world we live in. We want to be able to educate you all on what is happening to the planet but not give you a complete sense of ‘doom and gloom’ (although the state our environment is in is pretty darn gloomy). We hope to bring ease to choosing a more sustainable lifestyle! We want people to share on socials so they can help other people wanting to start making a change but not knowing how or where to do so. What we are saying is that living a life that is that bit more kind on the planet is for everyone.

We want to lead the way throughout the world to encourage businesses to be sustainable and eco-friendly, starting with every drive you do. It’s important that people start to see this as a way of life, not just an option. We hope to help alter the perception of what it means to be eco-friendly and educate people that it’s cool to help protect the planet! So it should be it’s where we live after all and it wouldn’t be too cool to lose our home. In an ideal world, businesses and influential figures would be using their voice to encourage people to do things like offset their carbon, carpool to lessen their impact on the planet.

We want to surround ourselves with communities and partners who are looking to do better for the planet. It’s why we spend ages picking the right partners not only for planting our SKOOTers trees but also when picking our Football partners. Football is driven by community — imagine teams without any fans? Together we have impact and presence — community makes things meaningful. We want to tap into these communities to garner momentum for change. For example, by helping give fans a lift to matches and games. Whether it’s carpooling to decrease congestion and increase the availability of parking spaces or even just simply offsetting your journey we aim to make travel easier and eco friendly as possible.

We want SKOOT to be the go-to sustainable companion for consumers and the sustainable partner for businesses. SKOOT is for everyone. It’s an app that parents can look to for kids to get a lift with someone they know, for students to split rides with their friends, for people to navigate their routes sustainably. SKOOT provides a way for everyone to easily do their bit for the environment and make conscious travel choices.

We want to create a community for everyone where they feel welcome. Where you can empower yourself and each other to help others be conscious about the planet. We want people to feel like they can count on SKOOT for the best moments, similar to the feeling you get when you’re on the way to a football match or a music festival! Just one more thing to smile about every drive.

