

Motivation is such a diverse subject because what motivates one person might do nothing for the next! I believe motivation can vary for a person depending on where they are in their life mentally and physically. Let’s delve a little deeper.

Say you are doing really well in life the simple task of waking up in the morning wouldn’t be seen as a real challenge, it would probably just be part of your everyday routine. Say, on the contrary, that things aren’t all that hunky-dory you might struggle to do the simplest of things. When you do finally get out of bed, moving on to the sofa might be the biggest achievement of the day. (We’ve all been there!)

To work in a start-up, one needs to be particularly motivated. It can be high intensity and take a lot of discipline when it’s all systems go. To give 100% all the time just isn’t humanly possible, so one has to find ways to stay on track, give your best and hopefully reach all your KPI’s.

We wanted to find out what gets the members of team SKOOT up in the morning (other than an alarm clock and a pestering email from work!)

So, we asked our Software Engineer Marta a couple of questions to see if we could pick up some handy motivational tips:

When asked at what point in the week someone is most motivated, we would expect the reply to be Mon/Tues as you are fresh from the weekend and the new workload of the week hasn’t been piled on…but our Marta said otherwise!

She felt most motivated on Thursday/Friday!

“Ah, I don’t know about you but at the end of the week, I’m focused on getting to the weekend and Paaarrrtyyyy… Oh, wait no I mean work seeing as we’re in lockdown!”

It isn’t a big secret that Software Engineers live and breathe coding but sometimes in a start-up there’s just so much to be done you can’t go without a little pick me up.

Marta says she CANNOT forget her morning coffee to help get her started for the day!

Something that drives her when it comes to coding is that there is always something to fix or better ways of doing things. She says the challenges can inspire you to keep going.

There are always things that we find a little harder to get stuck into than others, which Marta agreed with, mentioning that when testing scenarios before a release it needs mental and physical focus, so she sometimes even needs an extra coffee to get her through.

If she is ever struggling to focus, she will use Pomodoro on Chrome plugin to get rid of all the distractions.

If you’re not from the tech team, feel free to get distracted looking up that plugin, and don’t worry if you ended up on a pizzeria downtown (so did we).

Marta pushes herself each day to excel as she is scared of failing and not reaching the standards she sets for herself! Keep going Marta you’re doing amazing work!

At SKOOT we have many targets in place to help us keep in line with the big and small goals we want to achieve.

We’ve been growing and developing really quickly over the past few months, so we are keen to dive deeper into what exactly motivates our team in the fast-paced, start-up environment.

Continuing next week, we will have SKOOT Community Manager, Sabrina, giving her 2 cents about how she stays on track and doesn’t get distracted while spending so much of her time on social media. Spill the beans, please!

