Chilli Sauce

Laurie Edwards
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2018

This spicy, fruity and tomatoey chilli sauce takes less than half an hour to make and can be used on everything from dusk ’til dawn.

This recipe calls for a little prep work first; take off your make-up, remove your contact lenses, go to the loo, then open all the windows and put on the extractor fan — you’ll thank me later.

I bought generic medium heat fresh chillies for this recipe.

Start by removing the tops and as many of the seeds and membrane as possible.

You don’t need to be too exact about it but remove what you can.

Chop the chillies chunkily and set aside.

Take the ancho chillies and the one habanero, remove the stems and shake out the seeds. Then rip into the pile of chopped fresh chillies.

Now you can put all of the ingredients in a pan, except for the spring onion and tomatoes and stick on a high heat.

Let 5 minutes pass and when the liquid is bubbling stick a lid on and let it simmer for 20 minutes.

Allow the mixture to cool slightly before transferring to a blender. Add in the tomatoes and spring onion. Blend then strain to get rid of any stray seeds and chunky bits of chilli.

Cool and use on everything.

Store in the fridge.


250g medium heat chillies . 3 ancho chillies . 1 habanero chilli . 2tbsp cayenne pepper . 1tbsp onion salt . 2 tbsp sugar . 250ml white wine vinegar . 2 fat tomatoes . 4 spring onions



Laurie Edwards

Welcome to my vegan food blog. I am a 30-something Londoner who has found inspiration and joy in veganism and I want to share what I’ve learned with you