7 Positive Traits of Each Zodiac Sign

7 Positive Traits of An Aries We Should Adopt To Empower Our Lives

Cleopatra In Vegas
Sky Aspects
6 min readMar 2, 2022


Here’s how we can get motivated to take action on our goals like an Aries

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After reading this title, you’re most likely thinking, “Positive traits of an Aries, no way, they like to fight!”

Well, that’s not always true. I’m actually an Aries Sun and not into being a street fighter, haha. I would rather just talk it out and grab some drinks.

However, of course, a lower vibration of Aries can be aggressive; we must remember that every Sign has its shadow side.

Even if you have a bias for whatever reason, it doesn’t mean that the qualities of a Sign are 100% negative.

Regarding Zodiac Signs, we need to understand the archetypes rather than our personal experiences or beliefs. When we view the signs based on that, then we get their characteristics from an objective lens.

In this series, I will go through all 12 Signs of the Zodiac to look at their strengths as an advantage. In other words, let’s look at the qualities that make these archetypes unique so we can incorporate them into our own lives.



Cleopatra In Vegas
Sky Aspects

Astrologer & Life Coach helping you understand what's occurring in the cosmos, self-growth & relationship advice. Top writer https://linktr.ee/cleopatrainvegas