Here’s Why The Aquarius Super Full Moon Will Help You Shake Things Up In Your Life

Cleopatra In Vegas
Sky Aspects
Published in
9 min readAug 5, 2022


The Super Full Moon in Aquarius happens on August 11th, here’s why it could help you shake things up in your life and let go of stale situations holding you back from leaving up in your life.

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Hey, guys, we have the Full Blue Moon at 19 degrees of Aquarius on August 11 at 6:25 pm Pacific. That would be 9:25 pm Eastern; check your local time to see when this lunation is occurring for you.

Our Second Super Moon of the Summer Season is here!!!

And this happens to be called a Sturgeon Moon.

August’s Full Moon got its name from Native Tribes/ Ancient people who noticed an abundance of these fish in lakes and rivers during this time of year. In many ways, it was like a massive bounty of fish to be gathered at this peak time for tribes and those living in these regions at the time.

Spiritually, this could be when things are becoming more readily available for you to harvest. In other words, if you’ve been waiting for something to come in for you, this could be when you get more than expected due to a situation being backed up or interest accrued.



Cleopatra In Vegas
Sky Aspects

Astrologer & Life Coach helping you understand what's occurring in the cosmos, self-growth & relationship advice. Top writer