Horoscope For The Week Of July 15th to 21st, 2024

Cleopatra In Vegas
Sky Aspects
Published in
9 min readJul 14, 2024


In this week’s Astrology, there’s the Mars-Uranus conjunction, Mercury enters pre-retrograde, Mars transits into Gemini, and there’s a Blue Moon in Capricorn.

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We have an ultra-transformative week full of planetary transits.

In this week’s Astrology, the 2024 Mars-Uranus conjunction will occur, prompting us to resolve things brewing for a while. Mercury enters pre-shadow retrograde for its upcoming regressive motion in August. Mars enters Gemini, motivating us to take action on things that stimulate us. And there’s a Blue Moon in Capricorn that can show us why we need to let go of things that waste our time.

7/15 Mars Conjunct Uranus: When Motivation Comes On Suddenly

After almost 2 years, Mars and Uranus are connecting in a conjunction with one another.

Such an alignment marks a new cycle regarding Mars and Uranian themes concerning suddenly making moves after a stale period.

In Astrology, Mars is an activating point during transits, leading to things that were dormant being energized. Some of this energy has been building up over the last five days, and now we’re at the peak of this configuration.



Cleopatra In Vegas
Sky Aspects

Astrologer & Life Coach helping you understand what's occurring in the cosmos, self-growth & relationship advice. Top writer https://linktr.ee/cleopatrainvegas