8 Logical Fallacies That People Use To Control Your Future

Lark Morrigan
Song of the Lark
Published in
8 min readSep 14, 2018


Source: Kai Pilger, via Pexels (Pexels License)

As millennials, we’ve all had our fair share of people telling us what we should do with our lives, often in a manner that involves the use of very threatening and hyperbolic, but poorly-constructed logical fallacies that put us in extreme fear of discomfort, failure, lack, and ostracism. It is no wonder why most of us feel trapped in life and while our reactions to things that happen to us is within our control, we have to be honest with ourselves and acknowledge that pain exists, that fear does have a great deal of control over how we make decisions, and that we remain stuck in a bleak cycle of trying to reconcile the disconnect between the desire to create something better for ourselves (a holistic lifestyle that prioritizes mental health, wellness, and a creative pursuit that emanates from the crux of ourselves) and the failure of getting our ideal lives set into motion because struggling with the daily hassles of our current lives requires us to sacrifice a great deal of energy (far more than our bodies can handle), which results in us living life like this: being squished to the bone just to keep up with others in this mad rush to…apparently nowhere worth being. So this leaves us with little time or energy left over to do what we actually f*cking want to improve ourselves and attain a higher-quality of life that is genuine, secure, fulfilling, and completely…

