Fortress Of Stone

Lark Morrigan
Song of the Lark
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2019


Source: Yannic Kreß , via Unsplash (Unsplash License)

Note: I wrote this at the age of 18. Just posting it here for the first time.

Deep down in the fortress of stone,
I lie shivering and cold, awake and alone
with chains around my hands and feet,
but in the end, I still have fate to meet.
People pass my door without a glance,
they say I don’t deserve another chance -
I’m cowering in the shadows of regret, drowning
in seas of memories I’d never forget.
But somewhere far away, I see a flicker of light
of a candle with its flame burning bright.
The golden glow reminds me of the sun I cannot see
if only that bearer of light would set me free.
“Don’t be a fool, it’s only a dream,
soon it will die no matter how bright it may seem,”
yet as a fool yearning for wisdom, I still cling
onto that last thread of hope that’s weakening.
People come and go, their footsteps fading away;
their voices whisper like the ghosts of yesterday.
I fear they may be warning of things to come
eternal darkness where my fears are from.
Time has slipped and bound me in place -
I wish I’d taken my journey instead of the race,
but now I’m lying with my hands up in despair,
taking in my last breath of air.
Deep down in the pit of my soul,
there’s a flame of rage I cannot control
at the ones who’ve kept me imprisoned here,
but I’ll no longer bow down to this master of fear.
My flames grow stronger than the heavy stone wall;
I watch the stones as they crumble and fall.
I stretch my arms out to the…

