Here Are The True Indicators Of Maturity That People Often Dismiss As Immaturity

Lark Morrigan
Song of the Lark
Published in
13 min readJun 10, 2019


Source: Anatolii Kiriak, via Pexels (Pexels License)

All over the Internet, you get plenty of comments, tweets, articles, and even memes about how most Millennials, creative people, entrepreneurs, and anyone who doesn’t follow a certain standard are immature, unrealistic, and entirely lacking in character.

Society has a shallow, narrow, and oftentimes very demeaning view of maturity. People who obediently suffer through a 9–5 cutthroat work environment for 40 years and does that without complaining whatsoever are considered as the epitome of maturity, even when they might have marital problems, are argumentative, use terror and punishment to get other people to do what they want, and can’t for the life of them resolve tensions behind closed doors. People who have prestige and high influence in society are also put on maturity pedestals and have cult followings, even after they’ve been exposed for corruption.

I don’t blame Millennials for getting angry at politicians. I don’t blame Millennials for being outraged when they have it more difficult than previous generations and are demeaned just because of their age. I don’t blame Millennials for not being happy with their broken family lives, being forced to study what they hate just for either a useless paper-pushing job or manipulative advertising job that actually drains the economy and…

