Breathless Anticipation

A poem of rekindling old romance.

Viva Amor
Sky Collection


Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Trickling down my spine I feel
The inescapable excitement,
I tingle with anticipation
As I watch you approach me from across the room,
You move slowly,
But my heart beats so fast
Waiting for the moment when you’ll
Arrive in front of me and touch me
With your magnetic hands —
Hands I knew from long ago and
Have never forgotten, for your touch
Is what held me for endless nights,
Wrapped in each other’s embrace
As I fell into your eyes,
Gray pools of hope and ecstasy
And promises of forever —
The place I thought I’d gratefully drown;
But forever didn’t last as long
As I thought, for instead,
You left me
And I was left with an abyss inside —
My heart ached without reprieve,
And now you walk towards me
With a look in your eyes as if you never left
And I can’t feel the ground beneath my feet.

