Clearing the Shelves

Sky Collection Prompt #31: Cycles of Darkness

Jupiter Grant
Sky Collection
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2021


Photo by Jeremy Mura on Unsplash

A serpent shedding and discarding old and roughened skin,
I clear away the debris on both outside and within,
to start again afresh, reborn, all shiny and pristine,
and give my grey and tarnished self a bold new healthy sheen.

And yet there is a lot of me that’s lost along the way,
for in my flesh and mind is left an imprint of each day
collected, sometimes curated, more often kept a mystery;
a museum of the Self that holds the archives of my history.

There are some shiny trophies I’ve collected o’er the years,
but with them also I’ve amassed a wealth of pain and tears.
Their purpose served, these gloomy trinkets sit amongst the treasures,
hallmarks of times of darkness amid mem’ries of great pleasure.

I cannot keep them all with me, nor hoard them all forever;
to bear their weight through every day would be a fool’s endeavour.
And so instead I clear the decks and throw away the remnants
of times now passed and trials I’ve faced for which I’ve done my penance.



Jupiter Grant
Sky Collection

Writer, Poet, Narrator, Freelancer. Living in UK & my own head. Send queries here: jupiterslair@gmail.com. Buy me a coffee here: https://ko-fi.com/jupitergrant