Divine Creation

Mindful Poetry

Randy Shingler
Sky Collection


Walking in stillness of deserted park
Amidst the biting winter cold
Windchill felt to marrow of bones,
Creek in swirling flow, light ice
Towering trees barren of leaves.

Quiet pervades early morning air
Only pierced by whistling wind,
Camaraderie with only nature
In its sacred eternal setting
Beauty in current barren state.

Standing alone with self and nature
Feeling a truly divine experience
In current presence of no one else,
Admiration of nature’s divine creation
Encompassed fully in present moment.

Some moments resonate deeply
Taking us far beyond ourselves
Recognizing divinity in creation
With earth’s unique formations.



Randy Shingler
Sky Collection

Writer, Poet, Essayist, Meditator, Compassionate Being, Top writer in Poetry,History, and Diversity.