

For the queen of soul

Michael Hall
Sky Collection
Published in
Feb 26, 2021


picture of Aretha Franklin courtesy of rollingstone.com

To hear

& bear witness
The fervent stir of her
Immutable soul

With every moan & tone
Of this woman’s work
Is like being baptized

In the current
Of the river’s

Eternal invitation
To salvation
Knowing before you

Even come back up
For air
That without a doubt
Hers is
The voice of God

Or, at least, the lead
Of leads & queen
Of queens that brought

The church to the ears
Of the world
Carrying its weight
In such a way
Only she could enunciate

Spirit into flesh
…& grace into fate.

2018/2021 MDSHall



Michael Hall
Sky Collection

#21stcenturygrio | with imagination as my 6th sense and soul as my quintessence, I am an alchemist of prosody | https://linktr.ee/21stcenturygriot