Finding Me

A tritriplicata poem

Sky Collection


I ignored
nature for many years
entombed in my inside endeavors
now I revel in earth
finding me

In response to Quote Prompt №11by Samantha Lazar:

and this quote from John Muir:

In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks. — John Muir

I wrote this poem for the last two lines to be read two different ways:

now I revel in earth finding me


now I revel in earth — finding me

Similar but very different. Am I reveling in the earth and finding me or is the earth finding me because I am reveling in it? Are they really that different? Isn’t it all a matter of consciousness?

If I change my attention, doesn’t the object of my attention now see me?

I went in search of the earth, finding myself, and the earth found me.

Somsubhra Banerjee introduced me to a new poetry form created by Arjan Tupan called tritriplicata. The form is 3/6/9/6/3 syllables. Give it a try!



Sky Collection

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.