No Other Choice — I Must Open the Door to Hope

I made a choice — a poem and a commitment.

Kathryn A. LeRoy
Sky Collection


No Other Choice

I’m confused
as I mourn
this mountain of hate.
Demons seek
to capture my hope.
I will not condone
this evil or ignore love.

Breathe the clean air
of faith and compassion.
Silence the enemy.
Listen to the voice
of clarity
that soothes my soul.

I open my heart
to the calming sounds
welcoming understanding.
Nevermore will I allow
the weight of despair
to leave me empty.

Call me a fool
for opening the door
to peace, but I
have no other choice.

We always have a choice.

Many times in my lifetime, despair has lured me into its dark clutches. Every time I had a choice. Do I give up, cling to resentment, and allow those moments to…



Kathryn A. LeRoy
Sky Collection

Creator of words and images. Seeker of excellence, kindness, and learning. Believer in the strength of the human spirit. Find me at: