loggawiggler (Pixabay)


Sky Collection
1 min readFeb 17, 2020



I insist only on this inconspicuous voluptuous decay.

It easily persists, remarks itself, in just the way

I can oh so stoically keep it candid.


I can secrete the rancid, as I stare

Right into all the cameras can scan


I’m staid as a post,

Not readily afraid of the costs.

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. — Maya Angelou

If you would like, respond to the quote above with a poem, short story, essay, or whatever creative expression you wish. I cannot wait to see what you come up with this week! Please link this post to your submission and tag SCfriends. As always, if you are not yet a writer for Sky Collection, comment below. I will be sure to add your voice!



Sky Collection

“science of truth isn’t my strong suit. But I can watch from a garage roof; take semi evaluative notes, & make up semi reflective reports, & fake some control”