Take the Leap

Quote prompt №14

Samantha Lazar
Sky Collection
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2020


Photo by Letizia Bordoni on Unsplash

I am back with a new quote, and I hope you all will participate! I have loved reading your poetry and thoughts on these prompts.

Welcome to Quote Prompt № 14!

The quote this week comes to us from the wise 13th century Persian poet, Rumi:

A voice comes to your soul saying
Lift your foot. Cross over.

I came across this line, oddly (and perfectly) when I was reading the introduction to Patterns of Power: Inviting Young Writers into the Conventions of Language, Grades 1–5 by Jeff Anderson. I have chosen to use this curriculum with my 5th grade students this year, and I was doing some fun summer reading. If you are not an English teacher, you may not fully get my geeking-out behavior toward grammar lesson planning.

As I imagine, we are all feeling the anxiety of this time. As a teacher my anxiety feels doubled as I anticipate school opening next month. I have already taught two weeks of summer workshops on campus. The kids have been great. They have been mostly compliant with social distancing, keeping their masks on, and washing their hands. It is doable, especially with small cohorts of kids.

