Some Words Make No Sense

Sky Collection
Published in
Dec 30, 2020
Photo by John Mccann on Unsplash

Tears washed down your salty cheek
As anger blended with remorse
Ran it’s swayed dance across your brow.

I wondered where the thorn was
You said there wasn’t a thing
This was you, this is “my dance”.

Broken… like an electronic device
That can’t spin the way it was meant to
Or shattered window that lets
The frozen air into the cozy home.

Broken… where did you get such harmful
Words from my sweet friend?

Broken… like any one knows
What a humans function is,
What perfect operating conditions
Of the play at life ought to be.

You aren’t the story book character
Our parents spewed at us ,
You are the one
I’ll shaky voiced
Passionately paint for my daughter.

The embodiment of humanity
The waves of existence
Cuddling the shore of history.

Let’s write the next chapter.



Sky Collection

Lover of playful words. Passionate about storytelling and poetry as mediums for self discovery and building meaningful connections with others.