
Come together and create a sense of wholeness

Gayle Kurtzer-Meyers
Sky Collection
Published in
Jan 30, 2021


Photo by Mark Hayward on Unsplash

Five miles south of here,
Lie wealth and harmony
Yet all we do is stare
Why not rid ourselves of the acrimony?

Matter not our colors
Or whom we choose to follow
I long for when they grow duller
I beg you, fellow humans!
Let us rid ourselves of the sorrow

Let us hold fast together the rope
Let us finally cross that bridge
Let us chase after that glimmer of hope

And embrace the differences we used to discourage
For we are one, and one are we
I am thou, and thou art I
Let us become one and finally be free
To attain the riches that we longingly see



Gayle Kurtzer-Meyers
Sky Collection

20+ years in Property Management, freelance writer, advocate for positive thinking, enjoy running for charity events, interested in a variety of topics