Winning Demons

A Roundabout Poem |Free verse|

Lubna Yusuf
Sky Collection


Oil Pastel on Canvas Lubna Yusuf

“Be careful, lest in casting out your demon you exorcise the best thing in you.” — Frederick Nietzsche

Paint me a dream from slumber,
A wishful bright violet from grey spots
Sometimes is a lie, it is almost often that I dig my own pitfall
Walking my way to disappointments, heartbreaks and grief
Demons that don’t let go of any

Is it my heart that is too kind or naive or both
That I believe the best of the worst
Or is it my lack of good judgment that I cannot see
the liars and the creeps,
till it is too late and I am walked all over

My heart stomped to a play toy
Then I lock it in under a thick chain of sorts
and promise, vow and swear to never let anyone in
Then begin to doubt the very fabric of my being
Till I become my own enemy

And think to overthink only to make another mistake,
But this time I shun all the love that comes my way
Only because I locked myself away
Together we play a game from the past
Heads- winning demons and tails- demons winning

Poet Lubna Yusuf

In response to the poetic Prompt:

Roundabout is a 20 line poem on any subject, attributed to David Edwards, consisting of 4 five-line stanza. It is written in iambic and the lines have 4 feet, 3 feet, 2 feet, 2 feet and 3 feet respectively. The rhyme scheme is abccb/bcddc/cdaad/dabba, though modern poems can have irregular rhyme schemes or be in free verse.

Thank you Samantha Lazar for the inspiring piece, it was a very interesting concept to explore. Looking forward to more!

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Lubna Yusuf
Sky Collection

BOOKS: | Author, Lawyer, Filmmaker, Multidisciplinary Artist |Co-author TheAIBook | Instagram @iglubna