Writing Into the Unknown: The Hero’s Journey

May Writing Experience, Introducing WEEK TWO (May 8-14)

Samantha Lazar
Sky Collection
Published in
5 min readMay 8, 2021


Author’s Image, Created in Canva

Now that we have met our writing muse and know what to do with it, we have crossed through the threshold. We are at the point between realms. Nothing will ever be the same. Our writing experience is a heroic journey to be sure, and I will connect the literary archetypes with this week’s challenge.

This week is a seven-day quest to authentically grow your Medium audience.

But let me back up. This is week two of a month-long challenge, put together by ◦•●Christina M. Ward ●•◦ and I. To recap, last week we learned about our writer’s muse, explored ourselves as writers, and set off on our writing journey.

We also:

  • set up our profile to meet our goals.
  • worked on our bios.
  • made some genre/niche specific goals for the Medium platform.
  • launched a self-promotion campaign for our profiles.

If you missed the previous posts, it is never too late to start. See the bottom of this post for those links.

The Hero’s Journey

