August 2019 Community Update

5 min readSep 9, 2019


Ohh August! Although it’s a month we’re glad to see the end of, Skycoin’s development and progress continued despite internal and external issues with the company.

In spite of this unfortunate incident, Skywire rewards were distributed as per usual with 24,000 and 16,000 $SKY being awarded to official and DIY miners respectively. Due to our server and domain change to, it is important to note that your rewards emails may wind up in your spam or junk email, so please check them before contacting

Skycoin’s Month of Organizing & Cleaning House

August has been a month of “cleaning house” for Skycoin. It was long overdue and a necessary step if we are to realize Skycoin’s vision. It was about removing employees causing friction and delays due to personal or contradicting viewpoints on the direction of Skycoin. They have been replaced with skilled people who understand the project, and who will fulfil their responsibilities. Once we have everything in place it will become clear that this short-term pain and struggle was worth every second! Although the reorganization of the company was mostly about removing troublesome or disloyal employees, Synth also took time to compartmentalize the hardware office and took the below photo which showcases a number of Skycoin’s hardware products and prototypes.

Product Verticals / Documentation

You may have heard Synth recently talking about creating verticals documents for each of the Skycoin products or pillars. Skycoin is a consortium of many important components that all fit together to form a decentralized economy like no other. The problem has been “How do we market Skycoin?”

What is the solution?

Hire some transcribers to work their way through years of videos and recordings then break the text into different topics that fall under a product vertical, spend some time editing, adding necessary information and images and we’re left with a clean document that gives each product a clear narrative.

Why is this important?

Once we have product verticals we can use them to direct marketing material, forward the documents to media and influencers, use them for interview prep, use them for educating the community, etc. Basically, they will be used as a tool to carve out a clearer picture of each component of the Skycoin ecosystem. In this way, each product can be marketed independently, without needing to explain the entire project.

The work on these documents is progressing swiftly, with about half of the content transcribed. We intend to have the first product vertical ready within 2 months, and the others following soon after.

Media and Community

Among all of this chaos, the Skycoin team is working on sending out regular press releases. The NYC Skywire rollout will be our first focus with product releases also getting some limelight. In August Skycoin was featured on many high-calibre media outlets, including Yahoo Finance, Fox News, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, and NASDAQ. It is our plan to continue seeking regular coverage from these outlets and more.

Synth conducted two interviews during August, one of which was an interesting showcase of the hardware office in Shanghai. Check out the first part (of 6) below:

Our Indonesian marketing team continues to pump out high-quality marketing graphics and videos like the story of a skater boy who said see ya later to his skateboard.

LimonX Competition

The Skyfleet showed their strength of numbers in August! Skycoin progressed to and ultimately won the final of the LimonX contest. Being listed on as an accepted cryptocurrency will allow Skycoin holders to directly purchase gift cards using Skycoin and have them delivered instantly to your email. There are over 500 brands currently on LimonX with some shown below.

“Congrats on winning and thanks again for your involvement in the contest. We’ll integrate $SKY on our platform ASAP. We’re currently having a platform update that will allow us to integrate your asset and accept it flawlessly on our platform as a mean of payment :) I’ll let you know once we have a final ETA but we should be good to go around mid-september. We also plan on providing your community a welcome discount once your asset is usable on LimonX”

LBank Community Node

Skycoin showed our support for LBank by joining the LBK Self-Governance Ecosystem as a community node. This shows the strength of our relationship with LBank, and is a display of confidence from both sides as we eagerly anticipate the Coin Hour (SCH) listing on that exchange. Read more about community nodes.

Skycoin Rewards September Topics

For those unfamiliar, Skycoin Rewards is a way for Skycoin to give back to Skycoin community members who are actively contributing to the project. All the amazing August submissions can be seen in the most recent recap article. Contributors earn tickets and those tickets are used at the end of the month in a raffle-style live-stream to decide who wins which prizes. For the month of September, we are focussing on “Skycoin for Dummies”; that is, material that can clearly explain Skycoin and its various hardware and software components to newcomers.

We also have a long-running photo competition.

Pavlazakova won the photo competition for the month with this great entry, taking away $55 for her efforts.

Be sure to join Skycoin Rewards on Telegram so you can participate, contribute and earn some Skycoin for your efforts!

August’s Skyfleet Commander

Isidore Mbuma (also known as Bumsee) made an outstanding contribution this month with some Skycoin Rewards banners and also these killer comics!

That’s August under wraps, thanks for your continued support Skyfleet! We know the times are sometimes testing, but rest assured that we aren’t going anywhere.

The team is working harder than ever to rectify and issues and make sure we can get everything back on track! If you’d like an extra Skycoin fix, be sure to check out the Skyfleet Monthly Manifest article.

See you in the next one!




Skycoin is the foundation for a new decentralized internet and the most advanced blockchain application platform in the world.