Built On Skycoin Fiber: MDL Talent Hub

Published in
6 min readJun 8, 2018


MDL provides a talent booking platform built on the Skycoin Fiber platform

Welcome to our new series where we introduce you to the many exciting projects being built on the Skycoin Fiber platform. To kick it all off, we are interviewing the talented team over at MDL.

MDL (My Daily Life) is building a ‘Trustchain platform for the talent sourcing industry’ and is using the Skycoin Fiber platform as the means to roll out its Talent Hub. MDL will provide a booking platform on blockchain, starting with the entertainment industry, in order to consolidate and encourage the procurement of talent.

MDL will provide a booking platform on blockchain, starting with the entertainment industry, in order to consolidate and encourage the procurement of talent.

We are happy to interview MDL founder Dimitri Doronin as he introduces us to the MDL project, its functions, and use its case on Skycoin Fiber.

1) Dimitri, what is MDL all about?

MDL Talent Hub is about providing an application that functions as a booker platform to help talents (models, actors, singers, dancers, …) find jobs and help companies find reliable talent for their offline promo events, photoshoots, video recordings, festivals, parties, and so on. Besides functioning as a booker platform, will also allow talents to sell merchandise to their fans and help companies find talents with who they can do online advertising. Our reputation system will ensure that everyone acts professionally, reliable and reduce the amount of contract-breaches or cancelations.

This will eventually all be supported by an insurance system as well, to further protect the livelihood of both the talents, brands and agencies who use our platform.

2) Who makes up the core team of MDL?

The Co-Founders are 4, Dimitri Doronin, Dmitry Timokhin, Roman Tronenko and Thomas Modeneis. Then we have the CMO, Nathan Horn, and many other great minds that help the MDL Talent Hub platform move forward, all of whom you can find out more about on www.mdl.life

3) Why did you choose Skycoin’s Fiber platform?

It safe fast, free of charge, and the supported by great developers who create real value solutions.

Sky Fiber blockchain technology allows the accumulation of token hours for holders of MDL tokens. The mechanism is simple — if one has 1 MDL token, after 1 hour he or she gets 1 MDL token hour, if one has 10 MDL tokens, after 1 hour he or she gets 10 MDL token hours. The more MDL tokens you have and the longer you keep them, the more MDL tokens hours can be accumulated.

This is great because we can use these token hours as a sort of currency with multiple functions, to entice people into holding on to their tokens for a longer period of time. All the benefits that the about usage of token hours in MDL can be found here: https://medium.com/@dd_96182/what-is-the-mdl-token-hour-economy-a1ee822b44f7

4) Are there currently any major competitors to MDL?

We have done a competitor research analysis and found that while there are competitors, none of them have a platform that is as complete as ours. What we did was look at all the problems in the talent booking industry and the influencer industry and talked to both sides to see what problems we should be solving. So unlike our competitors, we took more than a year time to learn and implement necessary functions into our business and technical plan to ensure that we create a viable platform that tackles a very wide spectrum of problems in the industry we are taking on.

5) Will there be a bounty program?

Yes! There is, and we are implementing more and more ways to earn bounty! Join our telegram community to learn about all the other secret ways of earning bounty!

6) What are some real-world use cases for MDL?

Example number 1: An agent, has a client who is looking for a tall, blond guy who is great at playing violin because the client needs a talent like this to shoot a promo video. Without MDL Talent Hub, she will spend a lot of time looking for such a talent, when she finds him, she can book him but what often happens, is that the talent will cancel last minute, and it is impossible for the agent to find a replacement on time.

With MDL Talent Hub, we will not allow such mistakes because everyone receives a reputation which they need to keep at a healthy score so that they will receive more interest from agents in future jobs.

In this case, if the agent uses MDL Talent Hub, she can easily filter all the profiles based on hair color, instrument played, availability and even check the proposed candidates’ “cancellation rate”. This way she can choose to book a talent who fits the clients’ description and pick someone with a very low cancellation rate so that she will not face the risk that he will cancel on the last minute.

And even if the person should cancel, then MDL Talent Hub will immediately send a message to the booker and propose a different talent that also fits her requirements who is still available for the booked event.

7) What are some industries of focus for MDL?

Currently, we are focussing on the entertainment industry. It is the industry we are most familiar with and it makes sense for us to take our technology and platform, and apply it to the entertainment industry first.

8) Where do you see cryptocurrency going in the next decade and how will you adapt?

Cryptocurrency is the future. This is why we have built our technology around blockchain and have implemented a token structure. Because the times we live in are still in the early stages of this great new technology, we will still allow other types of payment on the platform as well, but our users will soon find out that it is much more beneficial to use MDL Tokens than for example Paypal, visa, mastercard, …

10) What is the utility of the MDL token?

MDL Tokens are used as a currency on our platform. The fact that it is based on the blockchain, makes it a much cheaper currency to use as there are no transaction cost attached to it. This means that you will earn more or spend less when using MDL Tokens. They also have the added benefit of generating an hourly interest, which is called “Token Hours” which can be used for getting even more benefits from the MDL Talent Hub platform.

The alternative for MDL Tokens are payment methods such as PayPal, visa, MasterCard, etc.

Thanks so much for the interview Dimitri! Having you as part The addition of MDL on Skycoin fiber will continue to add value to the platform. Offering a complete solution to talent booking, you have an innovative approach to an industry deeply in need of an overhaul. It was great getting to know about MDL and your solution on Skycoin Fiber.

Stay tuned as we continue to roll out more partnerships and other great projects being built on Skycoin’s robust platform and ecosystem.




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