John Otto Peters Joins Skycoin Advisory Board

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3 min readSep 5, 2018

Skycoin welcomes the newest addition to our advisory board — John Otto Peters, Chairman of SIWA therapeutics, Inc. and previously CFO of Triple Canopy, Inc.

Mr. Peters is a former financial executive with more than thirty years of experience across several different industries including technology, manufacturing and government services. Most recently he was a founder, board member and the original Chief Financial Officer of Triple Canopy, Inc., one of the world’s largest private security firms providing high-end services to the United States Government and commercial companies operating in high-risk environments. Triple Canopy, now Constellis, was successfully sold to a private equity firm in 2015. Mr. Peters is a CPA, a member of the AICPA, and earned his BBA from Loyola University of Chicago and an MBA from the University of Chicago. Mr. Peters works with several charitable institutions. He is a Knight of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem and is a member of the Visiting Committee of the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago.

We asked John about his new position, and he provided his perspectives on joining Skycoin.

Why did you agree to become a Skycoin advisor?

I decided to become a Skycoin advisor primarily due to my friendship and respect for Skycoin’s founder Synth. I also admire Skycoin as a project and its determination to change how we communicate and interact digitally in the world.

What skills do you bring to Skycoin?

I will be bringing my large breadth of management experience and hard won knowledge of the world to the project. I want to be a sounding board that will help move Skycoin forward, assisting where necessary in order for Skycoin to complete its mission.

Which aspect of the Skycoin ecosystem excites you the most?

I’m most excited for Skywire. Skywire’s technology has the ability to replace the internet with a decentralized 2.0 version. Giving power back to the users through the use of millions of nodes, now that’s exciting! Skywire will be a wonderful evolution for us as a global community.

What direction do you see the crypto space moving in the next 6–12 months?

I see larger parts of communities participating to support global change. Skycoin’s Skywire initiative for a decentralized, secure internet give users the ability to regain control over their lives. Currently there are too many “terms of use” entities that exist with the caveat of personal data infiltration to take advantage of the average user however they choose. Blockchain-based communities will turn this on its head, since we as issuers are responsible for our communities and not investors with conflicting goals. Increased use by issuers will result in an overall shift of paradigm.

John is also the Chairman of SIWA therapeutics, Inc. He is highly experienced and we are excited about the excellent guidance he will bring to the Skycoin team.

Welcome, John!




Skycoin is the foundation for a new decentralized internet and the most advanced blockchain application platform in the world.