Skycoin Hardware Store Launch

Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2019


The Skycoin Hardware Store has officially launched! Skyfleet members will now have direct access to Skycoin hardware available through our official Skycoin Store.

Official Skyminers Now Available

While the amount of Skycoin Miners connected to the Skywire network continuously grows, the Skycoin team has decided to make a second batch of Official Skycoin Miners available during launch.

As of now, Skyminers are available to purchase for existing and new Skyfleet members looking to join the community. This second batch of Skyminers will cost $1999 each. Currently, the Skycoin store only accepts Bitcoin as a form of payment.

Whitelisting and Network Rewards

Nodes operating on the Skywire network will be receiving a network incentive reward to help build out the network, in addition to traffic forwarding payments.

Skycoin rewards will be adjust monthly to cover 1/24th of the miner price. Every miner is eligible to receive up to 24 reward payouts, provided uptime requirements for the network are met. Rewards can be claimed within three years.

Please note: Testnet rewards for the 2nd batch of Skyminers are calculated differently from the 1st generation Skyminers. The second batch of miner rewards will be roughly calculated as follows:

Skycoin Rewards per month = USD Miner Price / 24

After completing the Skyminer purchase you will receive an email to complete registration with our whitelisting system.

The Skycoin team has been continuously working to develop a community-based ecosystem that awards its members for growing and expanding the network.

New Hardware Coming Soon…

A second generation Skyminer is nearing completion featuring a new design and upgraded hardware. Hardware wallets will be available soon as well. Additionally, in the near future we will be making long-range antennae and other products available via our store that will further expand and grow the network.

The Skycoin store is yet another example of Skycoin’s development and dedication to its community with real-world products & solutions for a decentralized web.

Skycoin Store:









Skycoin is the foundation for a new decentralized internet and the most advanced blockchain application platform in the world.