Skycoin Skywire Testnet Is Here!

Skywire Testnet Going Live May 22nd, 2018



Attention Skyfleet! The anticipation has been building, and we’re happy to announce the Skywire testnet will go live one week from today on May 22nd. This significant milestone for Skycoin will finally allow users to connect to create the new internet and engage in an inexpensive, faster, and more secure online experience.

We are happy to announce the Skywire testnet will go live on May 22nd!

What Is Skywire?

Skywire is the decentralized mesh network that will serve as the foundation of internet freedom for decades to come. Be part of the revolution and take back control from ISPs by joining a network that is 100% operated and run by the community. No more outrageous monthly fees, no more scandalous business practices, Skywire delivers an ecosystem that allows users to experience the internet as it was intended.

For more information about Skywire, please visit: Skywire, The New Internet For The New World we’ve also got a pretty Skywire Infographic.

What Is The Purpose Of The Skywire Testnet?

The operation of the testnet will serve as a sophisticated pre-launch program for our upcoming mainnet by stress-testing the network, solidifying the economic model, and ensuring that nodes operate according to protocol.

For more information see our official Skywire Testnet FAQ (and check back often as it is a living document that is updated as needed)

How Can You Get Involved?

All of the official Skyminers that have shipped will be able to participate in the Skywire testnet. If you haven’t built your Official Skyminer yet, see the Skyminer FAQ the Official Skyminer Build Manual and the Official Skyminer Build Video for help.

All of the official Skyminers that have shipped will be able to participate in the Skywire testnet.

If you built your own unofficial Skyminer, rest assured that DIY models can also be whitelisted and will be able to participate shortly after the official Skyminers go online.

Stay Tuned

We will be releasing the following information throughout next week:

  1. Rules and application form for Skywire whitelisting and testnet rewards
  2. New images with the formal Skywire release version on our website and Github
  3. Installation guides for the software applications required to run the testnet

A special thanks goes out to the incredible Skycoin community for joining us on this exciting journey. Stay tuned for updates from the Skycoin team so that you can be involved in all the exciting things to come.




Skycoin is the foundation for a new decentralized internet and the most advanced blockchain application platform in the world.