The How-To Guide For SKYFT Tokens Withdrawal

Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2018

SKYFT Tokens are available for withdrawal beginning from July 5st 2018. This guide explains in detail the transfer process.

To transfer tokens from your token sale account, you need an ERC-20 compatible Ethereum wallet.

Here is the list of ERC-20 compatible Ethereum wallets:

The following hardware wallets are known to be compatible with Ethereum tokens:

We prefer and suggest that you should use MetaMask as a more user-friendly and secure wallet. We will guide you step by step through the withdrawal process using this wallet as an example.

Let’s start!

SKYFchain -> MetaMask Token Withdrawal. In case if you already have a wallet, skip over to Step 3.

Step 1. Install MetaMask on Your Computer

First of all go to the MetaMask official website. The extension is available for Chrome, Firefox and Opera. Here we will use Google Chrome web browser.

Now let’s add the extension to your browser.

The First Step is done!

Step 2. Create a Wallet

Click on the extension icon, accept the Privacy Notice, scroll down and click one more time to aceept the Terms of Use.

Enter and confirm a password (min 8 characters), which will be used for wallet encryption. Then click on Create button.

Here you will find a set of 12 words.

IMPORTANT: Please, write down this set of 12 words in the same order on a paper and store it in a safe place. Anyone with access to this paper can access your tokens and Ethereum as well. This is the only way to restore your wallet in case of your device is broken/lost/stolen. So please, take this seriously.

Your wallet is ready now. Copy it’s address to the clipboard.

Step 3. Withdraw Your SKYFTs

Now go to token sale account and Sign in to access your account.

Click on Withdraw in the menu.

You will see disclaimer and wallet address field. Enter your wallet address in the field, confirm that you agree with disclaimer and click Withdraw. Also, note that you can transfer all tokens at once only.

Please Note:

  • We urge you not to withdraw tokens on exchanges wallets. This can lead to the loss of the ability to operate with your tokens.
  • Withdraw tokens only to wallets to which you have access. If you send tokens to a third-party wallets — make sure they are personal wallets (not shared exchange wallets).
  • Please additionally make sure you entered the correct wallet address.
  • Note that you can transfer all tokens at once only.

Once this is done you will see transaction confirmation and you will be able to check your transactions in My Profile section.

Return to your MetaMask wallet, go to the Tokens tab and click to add a custom token.

Enter the Token Details as Follows

Success! Now you can see your balance in SKYFTs. If it’s not displayed, please wait around 10–60 minutes once the transaction is fully confirmed by the blockchain network.

Please Note: The last days we are seeing high gas price on Ethereum network. Therefore, transactions can be sent up to an hour.

If you have any questions, our 24/7 support team is ready to answer them at or write in Telegram chat.


