Creating a Blockchain Game Engine

Participate in the creation of Skycoin’s CXFX games engine!

Skyfleet Captain’s Log
2 min readMar 28, 2019


CXFX is a game engine created using Skycoin’s general purpose blockchain programming language CX.

The aim of CXFX is to create expansive libraries to assist game developers with the creation process. Although a young project, CXFX is developing swiftly and will soon be ready for creating simple games.

The project is supported within the Skycoin eco-system and will be natively supported in future versions of CX. This is an exciting opportunity to get in early, learn the ins and outs of CXFX, help contribute to the project and set yourself up nicely to create one of the games that could define a generation!

Blockchain gaming is HUGE, join these Telegram rooms to start contributing and learning now!

How Can You Contribute:

For an updated list of ways to contribute and the to-do list shown below please check this link. These are some ways to get started:

  • Testing the tutorials
  • Writing documentation for the tutorials code
  • Writing tutorials
  • Writing apps with CXFX
  • Writing documentation for the lib (Should be driven by the tutorials)
  • Feedback regarding the usage (What needs to be improved, what functionalities are missing etc)
  • 3D assets (Synth 3D model and animations, skycoin hardware…)
  • Audio assets (Synth sound pack)

The To-Do List:

As said above it’s a good idea to join the CXFX Telegram room if you’re serious about contributing.

An installation guide and tutorials can be found here.

Don’t miss out on your chance to get ahead while the industry is young!




Skyfleet Captain’s Log

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