Skycoin Battle Bots

Skywire Controlled, 3D Printed Battle Bots

Skyfleet Captain’s Log
4 min readJun 22, 2019



The Skyfleet (Skycoin’s community) is full of talented individuals from all over the world. The most recent example of this is our 3D printing room, full of engineers and tinkerers creating Skycoin related CAD and print designs. Some of the Skycoin team and Skyfleet saw the amazing work being done and decided it was time to direct the room towards a common goal. After some deliberation, battle bots controlled over Skywire were decided upon.

Join the Telegram room.

3D Printed Battle Bots / Soccer Bots

We want you to use your wild imagination and skills to build the first generation of Skyrobots that will soon rise up and crush the human empire! Ahh sorry… I got lost in the narrative there.

Battle Bots! that’s what we want, and will be awarding bounties for!
There are some design guidelines below, and we will provide you with a bot template to get started (You can build from scratch if you desire). Depending on the number of designs and interest from you, we’ll have a 6 monthly or yearly battle royal with these bots. During the royal, we will also award extra prizes for the best weapon, most creative design etc. etc. The idea is to setup a bunch of cameras and have you control your bot, from your home via Skywire. It will be like you are right there! Bots are to be sent by you, disassembled.


Bot Design Specs:

We want to reward creativity, but we obviously need a few rules in place.

  • Tracks or wheels? You decide. No flying allowed.
  • Motors: 2–4 motor drive & 1–2 motor(s) allowed for the weapon.
  • Controller: ESP32 controller
  • Weight: 1.5kg (+/- 200g)
  • Material: Body and wheels(excluding tires/tracks) must be 3D printed. No metal-based 3D filament allowed. Nuts and bolts allowed.
  • Weapons: The weapon/s on your bot can be made out of ANY material.
    EX: hammer, axe, spikes, hydraulic flipper, water gun, saw, barrel, drill, claw, fire, etc. etc. NO BOMBS, BULLETS OR COMPRESSED AIR PROJECTILES.
The first bare template created by Rev

Competition Rules:

Crypto Royal (2-minute rounds, up to 5 rounds)}
Free for all combat on a platform with the goal of smashing your opponents or pushing them into weapons located around the arena or out of the arena through gaps in the wall. Being that this is a Skycoin community project, we’re expecting a large number of Bot’s representing the Skycoin team, however, we will accept bot’s who want to represent any crypto in the space. Regardless, at the end of it, only one coin will survive the crypto royal.

Grudge Match (5-minute rounds, 3 rounds)
1v1 all-out battle to the death (or time is up).
Bots are pitted against each other to determine who’s created the superior robot killing machine. Glory and fame await the victor and his/her bot.

Bounty Rules:

Battle Bot
Your custom battle bot. Send pictures!

  1. Create an Excel file with all the materials you used in as much detail as possible.
  • Type of 3D filament / quantity / cost / supplier + link (if possible)
  • Nuts, bolts, gears, rods / size, caliber, teeth size / quantity / cost / supplier + link (if possible)
  • Motor type / size, RMP, voltage, torque, etc / quantity / cost / supplier + link (if possible)
  • Any other material you may have used…

2. Submit any and all relevant engineering files.

  • Stl files/Step files/AutoCAD files etc. etc.

3. Fixed bounty (inclusive of material costs)

  • $350 — $500 USD in Skycoin (based on bot quality which is judged by the hardware team)
  • 10 Skycoin Rewards Tickets (SRP). With SRP tickets you can enter our monthly award giveaway. Find out more here.
  • Only bots that meet the above criteria are eligible for the bounty.

If you have any questions join here and get in contact with @Moojie @victorcremailh or @SkyReV for more info.

**Skycoin reserves the right to update and change this document, the rules, and guidelines as they see fit. This is a working document so make sure to check back every now and then for the most recent version.**

Cheers Skyfleet!



Skyfleet Captain’s Log

Welcome to your blog Skyfleet! it will contain transcripts of videos, community blog posts and some post from me.