Skycoin Development Recap | June 2019

CX Chains, In-Wallet Skycoin Purchase and a CH Burn Reduction

Skyfleet Captain’s Log


June was Skycoin’s #MonthOfAnnouncements with the Skycoin wallet update getting us underway, enabling the purchase of Skycoin directly from the wallet and a Coin Hour burn reduction to 10%. We were also treated to three new languages: Chinese, Spanish, and Japanese, expanding our potential market greatly. Finally, of course, the highly anticipated release of CX 0.7.0 with CX chain capability!

But of course that’s just the teaser, Full articles can be found here:
Wallet Update | CX 0.7.0 | Week 23| Week 24| Week 25| Week 26

And read on for the more comprehensive overview…

The Coin Hour transaction burn rate has been lowered significantly to only 10%. The old burn rate was 50%, which means that users will now have 40% more Coin Hours remaining in their wallet when a transaction is executed on the Skycoin network. In light of the imminent release of the Coin Hour Bank, this translates to a significant gain for users!

CX v0.7 is now live!

As of Saturday, 15th June 2019, this is the first public release of CX 0.7, and it is game-changing. See the release notes here.

Going into a bit more detail: This release will allow you to write programs in the CX language that are stored on CX Chains. It is important to note that it is not the Skycoin blockchain itself that is affected by CX Chain. Instead, each CX program will create a new, separate blockchain using the same technology.

Skywire Update

Skywire made a progress this week, effectively eliminating all of the encryption issues we have faced so far by adding sequence numbers to packets (simplifying the encryption implementation). We also rewrote large portions of the messaging system to simplify the ID assignment logic and fixed a bug affecting transport redial by improving the transport and router shutdown logic.

Skywire Update

Skywire has benefited most recently from the completion of rewriting to the dmsg system (previously called the messaging system). We also wrote tests for the public environment this week, which should be generating more news ahead.

Coin Hour Bank Update

Coin Hour Bank has now added a comments column in the transaction table, as well as OTP support for withdrawals. We have also fixed the email notification for successful withdrawals, improving user experience.

Skycoin Core

The major news this week is the launch of the new Android wallet. Among other updates, it now includes language support for Japanese!

During June the Skycoin team pushed through a record 946 commits (746 last month) completed by 21 developers! This places us at 8th for the month on, based on development across ALL blockchain projects. (5th May, 8th April)

Commit Leader Board:

This leaderboard is for fun and doesn’t reflect individual developers work output. Commits vary in difficulty and time taken to complete, lots of work is also still done in private repos (not detailed below).

Darkren | 160
evanlinjin | 135
stdevPavelmc | 110
corpusc | 82
ayuryshev | 70
gz-c | 66
stdevHan | 56
Senyoret1 | 44
nkryuchkov | 39
ivcosla | 36
Olemis | 35
therealssj | 32
stdevAIDen | 25
stdevStark | 22
amherag | 21
BigOokie | 13
ingwal | 13
stdevMac | 2
asahi3g | 2
Iketheadore | 1
0pcom | 1

Top 5 Most Active Repos for June


223 commits to all branches.


217 commits to all branches. (99 last month)


109 commits to all branches.

Skycoin Core

98 commits to all branches. (70/92 Last two months)

CX Games

82 commits to all branches.

Much of the activity for the month was focussed on Skywire as per usual, the integration of Dmsg (previously Sky Messenger) helped our commits hit record levels (since I started tracking them anyway.) Skycoin Core had plenty of activity with the release of version 0.26 of the wallet and work for Bip44 integration. Likewise CX with the release of 0.7.0 which incorporates CX chains, and preparation for version 0.7.1.

That concludes June’s development recap. Each passing month continues to surprise as the team find new gears, and employ new team members to speed things up. I’ve no doubt that July will be another improvement!

See you in that update.

Cheers Skyfleet!



Skyfleet Captain’s Log

Welcome to your blog Skyfleet! it will contain transcripts of videos, community blog posts and some post from me.