Skycoin Development Recap | May 2019

CX and the Skycoin Wallet get UPDATES

Skyfleet Captain’s Log


With the release of CX Version 0.7.0 beta enabling CX interaction with Fiber chains, (or CX-chains) there was a huge uptick in interested people learning and playing with the language. The launch of Skycoin’s ongoing CX “hackathon” called CX Labs also had something to do with that. Then we had the incorporating of simple Chinese into the Skycoin wallet expanding our global outreach greatly!

Some snapshots of May’s developments are shown below. Full articles here: Week 18 | Week 19 | Week 20| Week 21

The team added more Salt sources for the Skywallet to salt entropy generated by the Skywallet. The linter was modified to improve the code quality and legibility. In order to allow external developers to develop with the Skywallet, enhanced contribution guidelines were added to the project and functions were added that allow to check the memory protection status of a Skywallet. More and improved tests were written for the Skywallet Golang interface.

Among many updates this week, we have now fixed the CHB icon to support pinning on the homescreen and improved the transaction list with a better table that improves convenience and searchability, as well as its overall design and responsiveness. We have also made adjustments to improve limits and rules for withdrawals and ensure that the proper destination address is used in all cases.

Fixes include resolving an issue that was preventing miner transfer in certain edge cases, as well as one that was preventing users from being re-enabled if shut out improperly. The export threshold is now configurable, and work continues on testing across the board as we prepare for the second CHB instance

The biggest announcement this week is the CX blockchain beta release, kicking off our first CX Labs contest. Check out the news around the contest in the CX Labs Telegram room.

Work on the CX programming language has also seen progress on the installation script, with extensive testing on a new Debian VM. This has helped identify possible reasons for why some users have been having difficulty, from issues installing Golang to conflicts between versions. To deal with these we have now updated the wiki, and work continues on the CX-Chains tutorial. (The examples here are simple, but they work!)

The latest work on Skywire has focused on a number of important fixes, as well as integration tests for both SSH and the proxy.

Several bugs that were affecting Messaging Discovery Requests and one related to fetching cryptographic nonces have now been resolved. We also succeeded in removing a number of potentially disruptive race conditions.

During May the Skycoin team pushed through a massive 746 commits (975 last month, I didn’t count the 292 commits to the blog this month) completed by 29 developers! This places us at 5th for the month on, based on development across ALL blockchain projects. (8th last month)

Commit Leader Board:

Although commits don’t accurately measure the amount of work each developer puts in, I thought it’d be fun and informative to put together a running monthly ‘leader board’ based on commits. This is also an opportunity for you, the Skyfleet, to get your name in lights!

It should be noted that lot’s of work is still done in private repos, this work is not detailed below.

stdevHan| 98
stdevMac | 89
stdevAIDen | 85
berli96 | 68
Olemis | 61
gz-c | 58
amherag | 46
therealssj | 45
Iketheadore | 31
Senyoret1 | 29
evanlinjin | 26
ivcosla | 20
Haroon | 10
ayuryshev | 9
nkryuchkov | 9
stdevlvr | 9
YuraYelisieiev | 9
Retsediv | 8
ingwal | 5
asahi3g | 5
corpusc | 5
stdevPavelmc | 5
mahnsky | 4
jdknives | 3
stdevStark | 2
Asgaror | 2
BigOokie | 2
fenicks | 2
stdevMauricio1802 | 1

Top 5 Most Active Repos for May


242 commits to all branches.

Skycoin Core

99 commits to all branches.

88 commits to all branches.


70 commits to all branches. (92 Last month)

Hardware Wallet

69 commits to all branches. (109 Last month)

It’s no surprise to see LibSkycoin and Skycoin Core rise up the ranks this month with the massively hyped and significant update to the Skycoin Wallet released on June 1st (Version 0.26.0). Multiple optimizations to the website resulted in featuring this month, and then the usual suspects rounded out our most active repos.

That’s us done for May. If there’s one thing you should be noticing from these articles… It’s the consistent work delivered month after month by the team!

See you in the next update!

Cheers Skyfleet!



Skyfleet Captain’s Log

Welcome to your blog Skyfleet! it will contain transcripts of videos, community blog posts and some post from me.