Skyfleet Manifest | June 2019

Skycoin Musicals, Movie Posters, Memes and Meetups…

Skyfleet Captain’s Log


Seemingly (if you read the subtitle) it was Skycoin’s month of “M’s”, however, by now I’m sure you’ve heard #MonthOfAnnouncements being thrown around in relation to June…

Well, I for one am intrigued!

To see what the team accomplished during June be sure to check out the Community Update. But, only with the promise that you won’t abandon this article… Don’t you worry about how I will know, I will know!

**Cough** Inserts musical below to lighten the mood.

After some speed bumps, I was happy to publish and signify the launch of the 3D Printing Battle Bots bounty program with Victor. And, as you can see the Skycoin Battle bots are already starting to take shape thanks to Rev!
Follow his printing and assembly of the beast below.

CXFX, Skycoin’s 3D game engine built using CX saw good progress in June:

  • An improvement was added to the 3D model loader by supporting glTF hierarchical and skinned animation playback
  • And Work on collisions and motions API has begun. This will be used to code things like projectiles and player interactions within the environment

Is it really an update without some Skycoin Memes!? I think not…
Since I’m a kind soul, here’s a barrage of amusing movie poster memes to blast Skycoin across the galaxy.

The SRP topic for June was, “Skywire and why you chose to build or purchase a Skyminer to support the network.”. This spawned a range of great articles from participants, some of which have been used by Skycoin in Facebook ad campaigns!

July Content Guidelines

Meetup Content and Skycoin photos ONLY for the month of July.
Regular content will be parked and awarded points in August.

Meetup Content

Promotional content such as:

  • Posters & flyers, brochures, video adverts etc.

Educational content such as:

  • Slideshows, video tutorials etc.


  • General Skycoin
  • Skywire
  • CX


Think of stuff that will help Skycoin Ambassadors and meetup presenters to do their job better. If you’re unsure, ask.

$100 worth of Skycoin is set aside for the best Skycoin related photos.
1st gets $50, 2nd $30 and 3rd $20. Must be NEW and Skycoin related.
To submit a photo post it on Twitter with #SkycoinRewards.
Photos will be collated and rated at the end of July

Join Skycoin Rewards to start earning today.

The Skyfleet hosted 3 meetups spread across the world during June, I personally attended the Melbourne event and was impressed to see around 20 others attend and discuss Skycoin passionately along with me.

Melbourne, Australia
Calgary, Canada
Los Angeles, America

Get your city up on this list, join the Skycoin Meetups group and introduce yourself. We will supply you with marketing material and presentations etc to get you started. New York is just the start, we want meetups in every major city across the globe to help us roll out Skywire!

Currently, there are two meetups scheduled in July (that I know of), one in Paris and one in Calgary Canada. The Paris meetup was scheduled for June but had to be delayed, find out more info here:

I’m running out of witty one-liners and things to say about articles, the below five articles are outstanding. If you want to learn something about Skycoin, Blockchain or just want something entertaining to read… READ THEM!

Oh and also, don’t forget to show some love 👏👏👏

Leaderboard: (35 Last Month)

May was always going to be a hard month to beat in terms of sheer content volume. I knew there would be a natural pullback after the jackpot was won.
This cycle will naturally see highs and lows like a market, I’m happy to announce that even with the pullback we’re still sticking to our uptrend with a total of 20 articles this month vs 17 in the first month of Skycoin Rewards in March.

(Brackets contain previous months contributions)

Marco Casino | 4 (6, 8)
Skyfleet | 4 (3, 4)
Fray | 3 (7, 5)
Joel Cuthriell | 2 (1)
Skycoin LA| 2
BigOokie | 1
Moses Narrow | 1
CryptoDiscipulus | 1 (2, 1)
Cryptobaer |1 (1, 1)
Pavla Zakova | 1 (1, 1)


Katy Thompson | 0 (1, 0)
Mr. Rabbit | 0 (1, 0)
Laington | 0 (1, 0)
Blévenec Martinien | 0 (1, 0)
Skycoin Francophone | 0 (1, 0)
Lawful | 0 (1, 2)
Lawrence Qholloi | 0 (5, 1)
FRAHANE BIO | 0 (1, 1)
iaufmc | 0 (3, 0)

All the latest Skyfleet Medium articles can be found on the Skyfleet Captain’s Log. Outside of Medium Huân Nguyễn continues to expand his outreach in Vietnam with this article, “Thuat toan dong thuan Obelisk” on his website

Although part of the “Official Skycoin” videos I would like to draw deserved attention towards the recent lecture series that Synth started (with a rumoured 60+ future additions). Below is part 4, which is where he starts focussing on Skycoin in general after talking about the story behind the world economy and why Bitcoin came about. I, along with many of you, am ecstatic to see this type of video, and eagerly anticipating more.

After a bit of a hiatus, I dropped two monthly updates in 2 days… Some of you may have missed the May update. If so, scan your eyes below.

Leaderboard: (6 in May)

Videos are now worth the most points in Skycoin Rewards, meaning that if you submit videos you’re more likely to win part of the monthly prize. For more info visit here, or check out the Skycoin Rewards section of this article.
During June we had a few videos scattered here and there, with Fray taking the king spot as is almost a tradition by now.

(Brackets contain previous months contributions)

Fray | 3 (1, 5)
Skyfleet | 2 (0)
BigOokie | 1
Amaury | 1

That’s everything for this month’s Skyfleet Manifest. If you think I missed something important please message me and I’ll include it in next month’s article.




Skyfleet Captain’s Log

Welcome to your blog Skyfleet! it will contain transcripts of videos, community blog posts and some post from me.