Skyfleet Manifest | July 2019

Infographics, Meetups and Board Games

Skyfleet Captain’s Log


July, although not a record-breaking month, (how could you really follow June?) it was still a very productive month for Skycoin and the Skyfleet. For those of you who missed last months Manifest article, check it out below.

But enough of living in the past, what was done in July?
Well don’t worry, I write at a 3rd-grade level and you have eyes, so in a few minutes, you should know!

The liquid plastic battle bots continue to assemble under the guidance of the Skycoin 3D Printing Room admins, keep an eye out for some extra video insights in this months video update.

Christian Ott did a wonderful job with his insightful infographics as per usual

Exclusive analysis of the Skycoin blockchain: Skycoin transactions have been increasing over time, starting from 265 transactions in 2015 to a peak of around 82k transactions in 2018. As of July first, there have been 27k transactions this year. Overall, 79% of the transactions have been interactions with exchange addresses, a total of 58% of transactions have been interactions with Binance addresses.

In addition to the above, he created a poster that also showed all the addresses with a minimum of 1 Skycoin over time. It really does open your eyes to how early we, the Skyfleet are to the Skyparty!

Skycoin is one of the oldest coins in the crypto market. Their mainnet started in April 2015 while the project itself was already announced as early as December 2013. What started out as a pure cryptocurrency, whose aim was to improve Bitcoin, has transitioned over the years into an ecosystem supported by dedicated hardware, a blockchain-focused programming language and Skycoin’s flagship product Skywire. However, since development progress can be hard to measure due to software development’s high entry barriers, I crunched the numbers of Skycoin’s ecosystem to underline its growth.

Full credit for the infographics and explanation go to Christian, check out his website if you haven’t already. You’ll find lots of insightful, statistically orientated information about Skycoin there.

I’d also like to show some appreciation to Haroon and his team who have been absolutely nailing it with some awesome official graphics lately, our social media and articles are “off the chain”.

In July we added Tweets to the list of ways you can be rewarded through Skycoin Rewards, take a look at this article, it explains how you can get started. Thanks to Caribou for all the hard work! Also, check out the July recap for all that juiciness! (Worth it just for the photo montage.)

August Content Bonus Topic: Skycoin for Dummies

This month is double tickets for anyone who creates “Skycoin for dummies” content. It’s a broad topic, I know… But basically, just think of anything that easily explains Skycoin without being too wordy or confusing.
Here are some ideas to get you on the right track:

  • Simple posters
  • Brochures
  • Skycoin fact cards
  • Simple tutorials
  • Stuff geared towards kids
  • Explainer videos / graphics

Avoid complex terminology and crypto/blockchain terms as a rule of thumb.

Photo Comp Rules:

A max of 3 photos per person, must be Skycoin related and creative.
Submit on Twitter with #SkycoinRewards.
I will collate at the end of the month and SRP judges will vote.
$200 prize pool.

  • 1st = $55
  • 2nd = $35
  • 3rd = $25
  • 4th = $15
  • 5th-10th = $10

Join Skycoin Rewards to start earning monthly rewards!

Continuing with the strong Skyfleet spirit there were three more meetups in July from three of our now regular locations:

Havana, Cuba
Los Angeles, America
Calgary, Canada

Check out this awesome article about the Los Angeles meetup!

It’s exciting to see these meetups happening more regularly, as the Skyfleet grows and the Skycoin ecosystem matures there will be a growing number of them happening globally. A Skycoin Ambassador program is in the works with the specific goal of encouraging more of these local meetups. I’d estimate we will see this rolling out in Q4 of this year.

BigOokie continues contributing month after month, July was no exception with his “Visual Studio Code (VSCode) Remote Development Container for Skycoin CX” On the subject of CX we also saw contributions by Jay who produced this installation tutorial for Windows and Archim3d3s has started compiling a CX wiki that will probably be used in the official repo.

Not to be outdone the Simelo Team released their latest version of Skyflash.

Taking a step away from development, Skycoin was honoured by the Crypto Millionaire Boardgame team who featured Skycoin as one of their 16 cryptocurrencies used in the game. This is a Kickstarter program and will be coming out later this year.

The Skyfleet never disappoints when it comes to sexy (or should I say CXY) DIY Skyminers, here are a few to tickle your nuts and bolts.

Due to the topic for SRP content this month we saw a lull in community articles and videos, because of this I will skip the ‘leaderboards’ this month.

Instead here’s one article and video you MUST read/watch!

To finish off this months article I’d like to remind you all to vote for Skycoin in the LumonX competition, we’ve made it to the semi-final… Let’s go all the way baby! Vote by RETWEETING the Tweet and adding a COMMENT with @SkycoinProject and $SKY.

Thanks Skyfleet!



Skyfleet Captain’s Log

Welcome to your blog Skyfleet! it will contain transcripts of videos, community blog posts and some post from me.