Twitter: Monitoring the Madness | Skyfleet Engage #2

Skyfleet Captain’s Log
8 min readNov 18, 2018

In the first instalment of the Skyfleet Engage series, we covered off hashtags and how to use them constructively to further the Skycoin vision.

Hashtags are most effectively and easily implemented on Twitter, which is why the first, and concurrent articles will focus on the platform.

I’ve been blown away by the adoption and action you’ve all been putting into our collective Twitter efforts. Some of you have been doing this for many months; others are recent evangelists. Regardless of what the catalyst was, it’s exciting to see more of you joining the movement with every passing week!

To show some appreciated I’ll be scattering some of the Skyfleet Twitter team throughout this article. I won’t be able to list you all of you due to the sheer number! Be assured though, your efforts are not going unnoticed.

Here’s 10 to start you off!

Want to join the Twitter Skyfleet team? Following all of the users mentioned in this article would be a great way to start!

What’s the purpose of these Twitter articles?

We will be focusing on how we can collectively maximise our efforts on Twitter. Twitter is a great tool for reaching audiences outside of your current circle, the problem is most people capitalize on its full potential.

Sharing and re-tweeting is a good start; hashtags take that a step further by introducing discoverability. 95% of people on Twitter are aware of and use these 3 steps. The challenge is being in the top 5% that get organic followers, re-tweets, and exposure.

Hopefully, these articles will help you to understand some of the techniques you can use to up your Twitter game. (It should be noted that I’m not an expert in the field, just self-educated over many years of social media research)

Monitoring Hashtags:

Searching hashtags are easy, you can start by using the search bar to search individual hashtags.

That’s where the schmucks leave it… but that’s not how you became part of the fleet, you go the extra mile! Take advantage of Twitters ‘Advanced Search’ filter which can be found on the left under ‘Search Filters’ (Make sure to check the ‘Related Search’ area too)

The 6 key features of the ‘Advanced Search’ are:

  • This exact phrase: Use when searching for phrases such as “The new internet” etc.
  • Any of these words: Most of the time the ‘average Joe’ won’t use hashtags when mentioning a company. This allows you to search for “Skycoin”, “Skywire” etc. that have been mentioned in a tweet. (without a hashtag)
  • These hashtags: Search for multiple hashtags at once.
  • Mentioning these accounts: See who’s talking about Skycoin, offering suggestions, criticism etc.
  • Places: Search for and connect with relevant influencers in your local area, who’s tweeting about Skycoin in a select area...
  • Dates: I monitor tweets every few days, filtering by dates keeps you efficient.

Now that you all have an idea of why it’s important to monitor hashtags and mentions, lets put it into action!

I’d estimate we have 50–100 very active members of the Skyfleet on Twitter working their magic. With focused effort we could reach millions! Firstly we need to decide upon which hashtags/people/phrases we’re going to monitor.

Here’s a crowd-sourced document for that exact purpose.

Add suggestions if you have any and elect which hashtags you’d like to be responsible for monitoring. (I’d recommend up to 5 hashtags per user. There are plenty of us to help out! Don’t stretch yourself too thin.)

This document will have multiple parts relating to future articles on ‘Targeting Users’ on twitter and other social media platform strategies, so make sure to Bookmark it!

Here’s some more Skyfleet elite!

Monitoring… Now What?

Nobody likes creepy Jeff, who stands in the corner of the party watching everyone; nor are people fond of Trevor, who spends hours talking about only himself.

Twitter is just like real life!
The popular people share their opinion without being overbearing, they talk to people that interest them, they ask questions and they try to add value to the conversation.

It’s really simple when you look at it from this perspective!

Looking at the Skyfleet activity on Twitter, I can see that many of us are guilty of being Jeff and Trevor. This isn’t the end of the world, but it’s definitely an area of potential improvement.

Special shout out to ‘Good Guy Biker’ who is taking massive action towards a decentralized, censorship free internet in Vancouver, Canada.

How can we improve:

(Some of this doesn’t apply to official accounts)

  1. Start searching for conversations based around your selected hashtags, conversations you can contribute to. (keyword ‘contribute’) Don’t just needlessly shill Skycoin. Sure if it’s relevant, if not just look to add value.
  2. Look for content that relates to Skycoin/Blockchain to share (obviously don’t shill unrelated projects) For example: News articles about blockchain, mesh network projects, Bitcoin news etc.
  3. Post original content targeting hashtags outside the Skycoin ecosystem.
  4. Connect with people who interest you and start communicating with them on a regular basis. Use @ mentions, PMs, Comment on their tweets, Share their tweets... Be human! (I will have a separate article covering some influencers we can target as a team)
  5. Create an appealing Twitter profile and populate it with interesting content. (Cover and profile pics, bio, feed…)

Pro tip:
A good guideline for organic growth and reach is to spend the majority of your time focusing on adding value rather than just shilling Skycoin.

Pro tip #2:
@ Mentioning someone at the beginning of your tweet means it will only be seen by the person you’re tagging and the mutual followers you have.

If you @ Mentioning someone beyond the beginning, the tweet will be visible to all your followers, the person who’s mentioned and all their followers If the tagged party also follows you.

Take Action!

Don’t just read this article and do nothing…
Take MASSIVE action, get MASSIVE results, be MASSIVE like Steve!

  1. Create a twitter account if you don’t have one.
  2. Follow the people listed throughout this article.
  3. Check out the ‘Skyfleet Zoho Sheet’ and contribute to the ‘Monitoring’ sections.
  4. Choose some hashtags, keywords/phrases and users to monitor.
  5. Test out the ‘Advanced Search’ functions on Twitter
  6. Contribute to the conversation and add a subtle shill if it feels right.
  7. Clap this article FOOL 😀

Seven Steps to greatness…
Will you etch your name into history as one of the pioneers that took Skycoin mainstream? Start small, finish STRONG!

Speaking of a strong finish 😉 here’s 10 more of the Skyfleets finest!

Skyfleet Engage!

Yours faithfully (unless unfaithful first!)

MacSkyver aka Drew



Skyfleet Captain’s Log

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