SkyLaunch Solutions: IDO Allocation Control Given Back to the Investor

IDO allocation restrictions will become a distant memory with ground-breaking new solution brought to you by SkyLaunch

Oliver M
4 min readNov 8, 2021


There are many obstacles preventing potential investors from venturing into the IDO marketplace, as well as pushing existing ones out, with previously mentioned gas fees caused by chain restrictions being a common factor. It is, however, just one of the many barriers that are faced. Another big stumbling block is IDO allocation restrictions; for example the minimum token-hold requirement before further allocation. This is another huge factor that all-too-often pushes numerous potential investors away.

While serious investors do plenty of research and take extra care when deciding on whether to invest in a project, this almost forced extra investment can be all that’s needed to take it into the high-risk investment area. After all, we have all seen countless projects we expected to be total game-changers disappear into the abyss due to some obscure, overlooked detail. The irony to be found here is, a number of those projects may have failed due to a lack of investment, which could have been gathered had investors not been put off by these restrictions!

The Solution

The SkyLaunch protocol brings to you not one, but two allocation access solutions. Firstly, the traditional and comfortably familiar lottery system. The second solution is Transparent On-Chain Score Mining, a revolutionary feature in which participants stake our platform token, $SKYFI, in order to gain access to IDO allocations. This new solution we are bringing to the table actually gives you, the investor, total control over your IDO allocation, based on your own actions.

Transparent On-Chain Score Mining

While this new IDO allocation solution operates around $SKYFI, the SkyLaunch native token, we have actually handed control over it entirely back to you, the investor. Your allocation will be determined by the score you create for yourself, and as mentioned in the paragraph above, this will be decided around staking.

How It Works

The deciding factors here will be amount staked, length of staking period, and the number of days since your last staking pool withdrawal. In each area, commitment will of course be greatly rewarded! These numbers will be used to calculate your score, and your score will be used to work out your multiplier.

The multiplier range is from 1 to 10, with incremental increases of 0.5, and is the number that defines your final allocation. Essentially, all participant scores are used to work out an average allocation size, and your multiplier is the amount of these allocations you receive.

The mathematical algorithms will be available for you to see, but for now let’s just keep it simple, showing the end result based on the score you have achieved, which in this scenario is 6.

Example IDO — $100,000 Target

IDO Target = $100,000

Number of participants = 1000

Average Multiplier = 3.25

Number of allocations (1000 x 3.25) = 3,250

Each allocation size= $30.77

Your multiplier = 6

Your allocation ($30.77 x 6) = $184.62

As you can see from the example above, not only does this new solution avoid the investor being forced into extra token hold requirements, it helps being priced out of IDO allocations, too, creating a fairer marketplace at both ends of the spectrum.

As part of the SkyLaunch community, you receive much improved access to IDO allocations, as well as the opportunity of a new source of capital through collateralised stablecoin loans, in a Specialised Money Market based on AAVE and Compound technology. These protocols enable you to borrow funds, using your own assets as collateral, helping you to gain access to investment opportunities you may otherwise have missed due to a lack of available capital. We’ll dive deeper into this part in later articles.

In short, gone are the days of selling IDO tokens to access liquidity, meaning you can make short-term moves while protecting your long-term holdings!

About SkyLaunch

SkyLaunch is a first in the IDO marketplace; the only platform in this area to offer complete project timeline support, in addition to a number of groundbreaking proprietary tools. We support new projects with an accelerator programme of pre-IDO services, combined with an independent industry leading governance council, as well as a post-IDO alliance support network to nurture and grow new blockchain projects.

Get involved!

Stay tuned in to our channels for more info regarding our own IDO, allowing us to generate and distribute the SkyLaunch native token; $SKYFI. The token serves a multitude of purposes, including governance capabilities, staking opportunities, liquidity rewards, and allocation mining. The token benefits even extend into discounts on our premium features. For more information, check out our future posts.

Learn more about SkyLaunch on our website.

Stay up to date with SkyLaunch news and developments on our Twitter, Linkedin, Telegram Chat and Telegram Announcement Channel



Oliver M

Crypto writer, simplifying the blockchain space for the masses one word at a time.