Welcome to SkyLaunch

The Next Generation of IDO Launchpad

Oliver M
5 min readOct 25, 2021


Welcome to SkyLaunch, the multi-chain Initial Decentralised Offering (IDO) platform that equips projects and their participants with the tools, technology, and support they need to succeed beyond the initial capital raise.

As has always been the case, with invention comes innovation. A new edition, a 2.0, a next generation. However you want to phrase it, when something is created, it is almost inevitably improved upon. In communications, we started with the radio and telephone, and now we have smartphones, 5G and lightning fast internet. In transport, the train was invented back in 1804, and now we have hybrid cars, bullet trains, air and space travel. In the case of the IDO launchpad, we bring you the new generation; SkyLaunch.

The SkyLaunch Mission

There are a growing number of options in the crypto space today in terms of IDO Launchpads, and variety is almost always a good thing. In fact, without these options, some of which have achieved incredible things, we wouldn’t be bringing SkyLaunch to you today. There are also a growing number of problems you face when making the right choice for your project. In this instance, variety is not such a pleasurable experience! Problems like:

  • Gas Fees
  • Cross-Chain Limitations
  • IDO Allocation Requirements
  • Over-saturation of the Marketplace
  • Hype and Shilling Distractions
  • Total Timeline Support

While there are Launchpad options out there that solve one, or some of these problems, none have managed to overcome the challenge of solving them all…..until now. Enter stage left, SkyLaunch.

SkyLaunch has big plans, and they’re already under way. Once we reach our goal, these problems will be a thing of the past. We’ll take a deep dive into our solutions to each of these problems in later articles, but for now let’s touch on how SkyLaunch will tackle and solve each problem listed above, one step at a time.

Gas Fees

Unfortunately, with most existing IDOs comes a trade-off — either fund your project easily using Ethereum protocols and accept the higher gas fees, or take other, less simple and less exposure-friendly, but ultimately cheaper avenues.

SkyLaunch was born as a solution to this fundamental problem.

The solution SkyLaunch brings to the table centres around cross-chain integrations, using protocols as accessible as Ethereum, whilst still allowing full interoperability.

The wheels are well in motion on this front, with Polygon and Binance Smart Chain — two popular Ethereum Virtual Machine networks — already in place. Many more EVM and non-EVM compatible chains are in the pipeline, expanding our reach as far across the Defi space as we can to bring you the variety this area requires, all in one place.

IDO Allocation Restrictions

Another big stumbling block when investors look at good projects to move into is the minimum token-hold requirement before further allocation, which all-too-often pushes potential investors away. SkyLaunch offers two solutions to this problem.

Firstly, the traditional and comfortably familiar lottery system. The second solution is Transparent On-Chain Score Mining, a revolutionary feature in which participants stake our native token, $SKYFI, in order to gain access to IDO allocations. We’ll explain this new solution in detail in a dedicated IDO Allocation article.

In short, gone are the days of selling IDO tokens to access liquidity, meaning you can make short-term moves while protecting your long-term holdings!

Simplifying the Marketplace

Even the seasoned investor will admit, navigating the endless IDO options already in the Defi space can be headache-inducing, so the less experienced must be in a meltdown! The IDO marketplace is in dire need of simplifying, and we are going to make it happen. The SkyLaunch team are currently developing game-changing proprietary tools to help inform the community and its startups.

One example is our Auto-Pilot Function, allowing you to pre-fund your account with USDC and pre-select the IDOs of your choice, creating a simpler, more streamlined process. Essentially, automated IDO investment!

Avoid the Hype

Hype is, without a doubt, one of the biggest problems investors face in crypto right now. The power of social media, shilling tactics and many other distracting methods create a cloud of uncertainty when doing your homework.

To combat this, projects will have to pass through two very thorough checks to be granted a position on the SkyLaunch platform:

  • Institutional Due Diligence by both an internal team, as well as an external panel of venture capital firms.
  • An Independent Council containing ten members of industry experts will assess project proposals, and vote on which move forward to IDO listing.

To summarise, if a project is working with SkyLaunch, you can rest assured in the knowledge it has passed incredibly stringent levels of quality checks and represents a great investment opportunity.

Supporting Quality Projects

Watching amazing projects fail purely because of a lack of support is painful. It’s far too common to see a project have fantastic pre-IDO support, only to be “released into the wild” without the guidance and support they need.

SkyLaunch provides support, guidance and solutions every step of the way, from pre to post-IDO. We are by a project’s side for the complete journey, with our network of professional service providers and specialist advisors ready and waiting.

We will provide tools that play a big role for investors, too. Our Smart Locks, for example, will secure vesting of team tokens and provide a long-term liquidity guarantee. There will also be OTC Swaps available, to assist projects in securing further funding from interested parties.

Closing thoughts

The SkyLaunch project is a big challenge, monumental in some ways, but we’ve got it covered. We plan to, and we will, change the face of IDO Launchpads, creating a safer, simpler and more supportive environment for our community. We are here to properly support projects before, during and after their fundraising events.

And while, as I mentioned, there isn’t a single solution that solves every problem in the existing IDO launchpad ecosystem, SkyLaunch is tackling each problem individually. We are working to improve on existing solutions, as well as innovating into areas where no such solutions currently exist.

In future articles, we will take a deep-dive into all of these problems, explain their importance, break them all down, and illustrate how our solutions will solve them. Ultimately, SkyLaunch will make IDO launchpads a more accessible, long-term space for investors and projects alike.

Get involved!

Stay tuned in to our channels for more info regarding our own IDO, allowing us to generate and distribute the SkyLaunch native token; $SKYFI. The token serves a multitude of purposes, including governance capabilities, staking opportunities, liquidity rewards, and allocation mining. The token benefits even extend into discounts on our premium features. For more information, check out our future posts.

Learn more about SkyLaunch on our website.

Stay up to date with SkyLaunch news and developments on our Twitter, Linkedin, Telegram Chat and Telegram Announcement Channel



Oliver M

Crypto writer, simplifying the blockchain space for the masses one word at a time.